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Life is just one big roller coaster.

At least, that's how I've seen it for the past 18 years of my life.

Maybe it's because of the awful things I've had to go through in my past. Maybe it's the known fact that those same bad things will happen in different situations in my future. Maybe it's even because of the present time where those bad things are not what my main focus is, but what I still deal with to this day. But no matter what time or place these bad things happen, they happen, and there's only one way to get through them.


From childbirth to teenagedom, I stumbled through life at the mercy of others kindness, and the wrath of others anger, with the gullibility of a lost puppy. I have been taken advantage of multiple times, and have been saved from those situations of the same amount. I have had to learn a lot about other humans and how to interact with them properly. I've learned how to cope with their irrationalities, how to provide guidance, and how to help, as well as how to defend against their worse intentions, how to fight against their habits, and how to destroy them as enemies when necessary. I've learned and I've lived, maybe not the most amazing of a young life, but definitely not the worst.

I'm still not prepared for adulthood.

But for the longest, I felt like I was ready.

It was self-imposed and about as fake as a hypocrite's words can be.

So when you read this story, do not focus on everything negative that happens, no matter how much it occurs here. Focus on the positive, however little it may happen. Because that's how everyone should observe life, as it flows. It is a roller coaster. And just like on roller coasters, they're not only there to scare the daylights out of you, take your breath right out of your lungs, and make you close your eyes and wait for it all to be over,...

They are also there to show you that the ride is short and worth every second, and you only have fun on roller coasters if you open your eyes, lift your hands up to the sky, and scream in joy as it takes you in the rush that it gives you for that small amount of time it lets you live it.

I'm not just writing this for myself, but also to teach myself and others one simple thing not a lot of people tell each other anymore nowadays, willing to simper and wallow in their sorrows, never to emerge from their depressed drowning with each other.

I'm writing this to tell myself and others one simple sentence, in the form of a fantastical, dark, yet pretty imaginative way of expressing myself to the world, currently.

Stay strong.

Parodia ★

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