Chapter Four

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It was another hour after we got back on the road that a call came through and David answered, using hands-free, of course. It's David. Relaxing, he thought I had fallen asleep.

"Hey, Gwen!" Why am I not surprised that it was Gwen? I'm shocked they haven't hooked up yet, truth be told. Then again, I'm shocked David isn't gay. Nor like in a ride sense. I just thought he was gay. I mean, I uh... I like guys. I've never liked a girl to you know, like like her. Got all sorts of hell for that at home from my parents. "You on your way home?"

"I just got home, yeah." Gwen assured her co-counselor. "What about you and the little shit?"

"Oh, don't call him that." David responded, which made me feel nice. That he wasn't faking all of this and being okay with me just suddenly taking over his entire life and all of the shit that comes with a kid. "We're about an hour away, we stopped for taco. He passed out like ten minutes ago."

"And how is he taking this?"

David was silent for a moment, probably looking back at me.

"He's holding up pretty good." David assured her as I felt the car stop before going when. Stop sign. "You know, I expected worse. But he let down his wall and he did thank me for taking him in. Which he didn't have to, I was more than happy to. But yeah, he's doing good so far. Quiet, but he also doesn't have any friends like Nikki or Niel to talk to. I'll uh... I'll figure it out. Get him a proper bed and some clothes. School stuff."

"And where are you getting the money for that, Mr. Hasn't Seen Your Parent's In 7 years?"

"Like I said," David added on. "We'll figure it out. I have a charge card at a few different places. Just a monthly fee or something. Plus, I do have a job. I start Monday, because I have to take care of myself no matter what I just don't have the extra spending money. I have a little. But it'll work out. My parents wouldn't help me if I adopted or had a kid that's biologically mine, Gwen. You know they wouldn't. I just want to make sure he grows up with a family that he can go home to, no matter what. Everyone needs that."

"You don't have that." Gwen points out.

"No, but it's a work in process." David agreed, which shocked me a bit. To think that despite his positivity, David and his parents don't talk to each other or they're dead or something. They're not there for whatever reason. "I know I can call you. Now I just need to find someone that is physically there. It'll be a weird conversation to have with Max, but I think he'll take it better than a lot of the others would have. They did call him out for it a few time over the summer, at least."

"So you haven't told him about having no mom and two dad's?"

I'm sorry.

I was right the entire fucking time?

"No, Gwen." But it was weird. He wasn't afraid to talk about it. To say he was gay. And that scares the shit out of me..I don't know how I'll tell him. "I haven't. Because I'm single and thus he has me. If I start seeing someone, I'll talk to him. But for now, I just want him to get used to a new home."

Well, I passed out in the car and woke up in a room I didn't recognize, which freaked me the fuck out. There really wasn't much in the room. I was on the bed, there was a bedside table, and then there was a dresser that was it.

Thinking maybe he still lived at home, with no memory of the car ride after Taco Bell last night, I found the kitchen, and the place was...

I mean, it was beautiful. But Jesus fuck it had to he expensive. How the hell could David afford it?

"Good morning, Max!" David scared the absolute shit out of me. I didn't look at the time, but it was the morning. He was in the kitchen, wearing... Not camp stuff.

That was weird. Okay.

"Did you sleep good?" He asked me as I suddenly was overwhelmed by the smell of bacon, eggs, and toast. "You were passed out when we got back, so I brought you and your stuff up."

I nodded my head, not sure what I should ask about first. There was a lot going through my head right now. A lot.

"So is this a half way point?" I asked my... Legal guardian. Parent. "Or like...?"

"No," David remarked after a little laugh and brought out two plates of food. One for each of us. Filled with bacon, eggs, toast, and then some strawberries. I love strawberries. "This is where I— we live. I moved in here... Last March."

I store at him in shock.

"How the fuck can you afford this?"

Again, he laughed.

"Oh, Max," David responded, getting both of us something to drink as we sat down. "Relax. I built the house myself. With the help of a few friends, of course. It took seven years, but I finished it in February and was able to move in by the end of March."

"Six years," I pointed out, taking a piece of my bacon and chowing down on it because I was starving right now. Fucking hell, I haven't had this stuff in a long time. "You're 24. 24-7=17. I'm not dumb, David."

"No, it's seven years." He corrected me. "I uh... Moved out of my parents house a little early. Lived with a... Friend... For about a year before moving on my own. I started it right after I was moved."

Figuring they probably moved or some shit like that, I ignored that fact for a while. Until later on in the morning, when I saw the family portrait. It was old. There one photo of them together. Hanging up, huge, in the living room. He had two brothers and three sisters. A few probably still live at home, by the looks of the portrait. He was the oldest. Or tallest, at least.

Then again, it was older. He was still in high school. A little shit when it was taken. But they looked happy.

He found me looking at me.

"The good old family portrait." David commented and confirmed for me what it was, a sad smile on his face. "That was for my 16th birthday. Do you want to maybe go and get some actual clothes so you're not wearing the same two outfits for the rest of your life? There's a mall not too far from here. A few stores are bound to have some clothes for you."

"I... You don't have to." I assured him.

"No, I do." He corrected me. "Come on, it'll be fun! There's a Coldstone in there."

So we got ready to leave, and when I got in the seat, it dawned on me that you know, he has a family. Which means my family.

"So like," I started off after a minute of silence, and David turned down the radio to listen to me. "Am I going to meet your family?"

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