Chapter 2

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Little did Annie and Hayden know they had lunch together.

Annie grabs her lunch out of her locker and walks to the lunch room. She decides to sit at the empty round table in the corner. Hayden sees her and walks over.

Hayden- Hey is anyone sitting here?

Annie- No... But you can.


Kenzie and Lauren and Johnny spot Hayden.

Kenzie- Hey Hayden I see you have met Annie.

Hayden -Ya 

Lauren- Hi,  Annie I'm Lauren 

Johnny- and I'm Johnny. We are siblings.  ( I forgot to mention everyone is either 12 or 13 and Lauren and Johnny happen to be in the same grade.) 

Kenzie- These are my other friends.


Kenzie- Do you mind if we sit here?

Annie- Oh no, you guys are welcome to sit here.

Johnny- So Annie, how are you liking the school right now?

Annie- Actually, it is great.  I am going to throw my lunch away be right back.

Hayden- Okay! *Blushes*

Johnny, Kenzie, Lauren- Someones in love.😙 *Joking around*

Hayden- Stop we are just friends.

Johnny- Just friends you say?😉

Lauren- I think you might want it to be more than friends.

Hayden- Shut up you guys😂

Kenzie- Just admit it you like Annie.

Hayden- Fine, I do like Annie. But do not ruin this for me!😡

Kenzie, Johnny, Lauren- Fine

Hayden- Now act cool, She's coming over.

Annie- Hey guys I'm back.

Hayden- Hey Annie😍😊👋

Johnny nudges Hayden

Hayden- Bro stop.😡

Johnny- Fine!

*Bell rings*

Lauren- Guys, after school meet me at the entrance.

Everyone- Okay!

So sorry this is really short it is 12:19 where I am, and it is a school night so I am really tired. I am hoping to publish a new chapter every night! Please Vote if you want the next chapter! And comment down below what you want in the next chapter. Bye guys😄

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