Chapter 4

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Hayden and Annie make their way to the group.

Kenzie- Hey Annie, can me and Lauren talk to you for a sec?

Annie- Ya sure.

Lauren and Kenzie pull her away from the group.

Lauren- Wanna have a sleepover at my house with me and Kenzie?

Annie- I would love to, let me text my mom.

Annie takes out her phone and texts Katie( Her mom)


Annie- Hey mom, can I have a sleepover with some of my new friends Kenzie and Lauren?

Katie- Ya sure just come home right now, so you can pack and I can bring you there myself to meet their parents.

Annie- Okay! Thanks, Mom, love you.

Katie- Love you, sweetie

*in person*

Annie- My mom said yes!😁😆

Kenzie and Lauren- Yay!😁

Meanwhile, this is happening the boys have a little talk.

Johnny- You little Gentleman Carrying Annie over here.

Hayden- I mean you guys left me all alone to help her.

Johnny- We know, you guys need some time to bond.

Hayden- I had a feeling

Johnny- We will talk about this later, Wanna have a sleepover at my place tonight?

Hayden- Sure!


The girls come walking over.

Johnny- Hey Annie we all need your number.

Annie- Okay Here you go **********

They all add Annie to their contacts.

Annie- Well I got to go home my cousin Paige is picking me up.

Kenzie- Bye Annie, See you tonight.

Lauren- See you tonight!

Johnny- Bye Annie.

Hayden- Bye Annie.

Johnny- That was fun meeting her.

Kenzie- Ya

Lauren- Can't wait to see her tonight.

Hayden-Wait, tonight?

Lauren- Ya, Kenzie, Annie and I are having a sleepover at my place tonight.

Hayden- But, Johnny and I are having a sleepover at his place tonight.

They all smile at Hayden

Hayden- You guys didn't...

Johnny- Bro yes we did.

Hayden- I hate you guys so much...But also love you guys, Thank you guys this really means a lot.

Lauren- No problem bro,

Kenize- Ya we are always here for you.

Hayden- Just don't ruin this chance for me.

Johnny - Oh, promise us you will love us by the end of tomorrow.

Hayden- I'm trusting you guys

Lauren- Well Johnny and I should start setting up.

Johnny- see you guys tonight, Oh and come at 4:30

Lauren- Annies coming at five so we all need to pitch in!

Kenzie- See you guys tonight bye!

Hayden- Bye

Lauren and Johnny hop into their mom's car and Hayden and Kenzie walk home together.

Thank you guys so much for supporting me, Vote if you want more, Comment down below what you want in the next few episodes.

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