chapter 4

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Riley's P.O.V.

2nd Day of High School

It's 4:32am an my ANOYING little brother Joey is jumping on my bed like a little four year old on Christmas. He's 18 two months younger than me. He must have just gotten back from a party he was at and rub all the numbers he got in my face.

I have to say he's not bad looking for his age. O.o (awkward)

"Josephine get off of me!" I said pushing him off of me. I called him Josephine because he HATES it.

"Riley, Riley, Riley, Riley! Guess What!" he said in a jumble and waking up the dog. "What?!" I say turning over. "I finally got a girl friend!" he said getting in his own bed. "I really don't care Joey"

God, I hate sharing a room with my ANOYING brother.


I went to school and saw Shane at his locker. Sawyer Heartman pushed him. Then Shane fell the lamely popped up and hit Sawyer  and his "partner" in the gut and they laughed and walked away. I have to admit Shane's lame attempt was really cute.

When will he stand up to those jerks?

don't you just love how I just randomly put youtubers in. ha, ha, ha just  kidding Sawyer was in it, its about Shane and I couldn't help not putting Joey in. I mean come one he is reading this book! so is Shane!!!! only if Sawyer had an account I would be 10000000000000 times happier.

Super Luv You guys (so chesesy) dang who knew I can't spell at 11:14 at night. What am I kidding I can't spell at all stupid dyslectic problem.

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