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My first three classes were really simple. In English and History, the teachers just went over the syllabus and told us to get it signed by the end of the week. For Math, I got the same instructions for the syllabus, but we also got assigned a review quiz on Friday. That would be easy, though. I aced Pre-Calculus last year with flying colors.

I was at my locker now, grabbing stuff for my last classes of the day. Only Spanish and Botany required any materials, so I didn't have much weighing me down.

Closing the metal door, I saw my best friend skipping down the hall towards me with a giant smile on her face. Her happiness was contagious, causing me to giggle at her childish antics.

"What's up, D?" I greeted her once she was close enough.

"Hey," she blurted, jumping to a stop right in front of me. "So I dropped my elective and got it turned into a free period."

"Do you not need the elective?" I questioned.

"Nope. I was just going to take it for fun. But then I realized that if I had that period free then I could go to lunch with y'all. Which would be much more fun."

"Oh, that's awesome!" I cheered. "We can also hang for your lunch because I'm free next period!"

"Yes!" Dinah squealed, me joining her as we playfully pushed each other in excitement. When we calmed down, Dinah breathed out, "It's funny how things work out."

"Yeah, it is," I agreed. We latched onto each other's arms, walking down the hallways towards the cafeteria.

When we got there, we saw the extensively long line to the food. We both feigned gagging, knowing how awful the food at our school was. Disregarding the line, Dinah and I walked across the cafeteria to the doors leading to the courtyard. Through the glass, I saw that the courtyard was crowded with upperclassmen, probably trying to claim their territory for the year.

"We better have our spot or I swear to God..." Dinah trailed off threateningly as we opened the doors.

"I'm sure Zayn got it already. Calm your tits," I laughed, amused by her territorial behavior.

Walking closer to the stairs, I saw a couple people already there. I could only see the back of their heads, so I wasn't familiar with any of them.

"Oh, this is not happening," Dinah scowled. With a determined expression on her face, she marched towards the spot confidently.

"Dinah, relax," I tried, though she ignored me.

"Yo," Dinah called, grabbing the attention of the few guys sat there. They all turned around, revealing the typical jock smirk to me and Dinah. We walked up to them, both of us having different reactions. I smiled and waved to them all, while Dinah fake sweet-talked them, "Hey, guys. I'm sorry but I think you sat down in the wrong spot."

"I don't think we did, actually," one chuckled, his smirk widening into a half-smile. Dinah squinted her eyes, disguising her inner anger with an amused smile. Before she could say anything, the guy spoke up again. "This is where you sit, right?"

"Yeah, but we can find somewhere else. It's no big deal," I said, trying not to start an argument. I placed my hand on Dinah's arm and started to head to another spot on the stairs, saying, "C'mon, Dinah, let's go."

"No, no, it's fine," he said, stopping me and Dinah from leaving. I looked back at him, seeing his calm and flirty smile. He chuckled, "We wanted to join you here."

Secrets To Keep (Lauren/You)Where stories live. Discover now