Chapter 4 - Brains & Beauty

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A/N: I just want to say a quick thank you for all the support so far! I know I haven't been consistent with my uploading/publishing at all (thanks to uni and work) but so many of you still comment, vote and keep in touch with me even despite this. I am so grateful for everyone who takes the time to read my work! Please let me know in the comments or via a message what you'd like to read more of in the remainder of Torn; what are your favourite parts and things to read? xx


It wasn't until midway through the week when Alexia awoke early in the Slytherin Dungeons anticipating her first Alchemy lesson for the year. Accompanied by Daphne and Pansy, she headed upstairs to the Great Hall for Breakfast.

Just as she took her seat beside Draco, the post owls arrived, swooping down through the windows, scattering droplets of water from the rain outside over the students. Most students seemed to be receiving more post than usual; anxious parents were weary of hearing from their children and reassuring them all was well at their homes. Alexia's owl landed in front of her first, delivering a letter from her mother, Laurel. Athena was followed by a second owl which dropped several parcels; publicity requests from brands and companies, sending their products and invitations for Alexia in hope she would use her influence to publicise them or attend their events. She pushed them aside, eyeing off only the most high-end brands, and instead begun reading her mother's letter. It was the usual, an update from home, upcoming events the Burke's had been invited to attend, some gossip and a few questions on fashion. There was no mention of Alexia's father, Rufus, and his whereabouts, but Alexia was not expecting this. All mail in the wizarding world was being interfered and carefully read before the recipient even laid their own eyes on it, especially the mail belonging to the daughter of a Death Eater.

Across the table, an owl had landed in front of Pansy carrying that day's copy of the Daily Prophet. She unfolded it and scanned the front page.
"Anyone dead?" Blaise Zabini asked from a few seats down in a casual voice; it was a question that had become the norm.
"No," Pansy said, "just more dementor attacks... and an arrest."
"Who?" Alexia asked, looking up immediately from her mother's letter, thinking of her father.
"Stan Shunpike," said Pansy.
"Who?" Daphne repeated.
"Conductor of the Wizarding conveyance the Knight Bus, has been arrested on suspicion of Death Eater activity. Mr Shunpike, 21, was taken into custody late last night after a raid on his Clapham home." Pansy read aloud.
"Never heard of him," Alexia said.
"Oh, Draco," Pansy spoke up, "you might want to read this." She passed the newspaper across to Draco who snatched it off her rapidly.
Alexia leant over, "The Ministry raided the Malfoy Manor!"
"What does it say?" Theodore Nott asked.
Alexis read the segment aloud to the rest of the group, "This second search of the Death Eater's residence does not seem to have yielded any results. Arthur Weasley of the Office for the Detection and Confiscation of Counterfeit Defensive Spells and Protective Objects said that his team had been acting upon a confidential tip-off."
When Alexia finished reading, Draco's eyes were fixed on the Gryffindor table, piercing at Harry Potter. He muttered bitterly, "They won't find anything there."


Unlike what many of the students expected, free periods were not hours of blissful relaxation as anticipated, but times in which to attempt to keep up with the vast amount of homework they were already being set.
Alexia sat in the Common Room with Daphne, Theodore and Louis skimming through her copy of Advanced Potion-Making, whilst writing notes on a scroll of parchment. After Harry Potter had outdone her during her Potions class earlier that week, Alexia had been fiercely working hard to get back on top before Slughorn had any doubts of her skill.

"Alexia, that paper isn't due for another two weeks, surely there's something else you need to do before that." Theodore said, watching Alexia move to another Potions textbook and aggressively flip through the pages.
"Slughorn is taking our Alchemy class, if he doesn't think I'm good enough, there is no way I can get top marks." Alexia said, keeping her eyes on the pages.
"It's not about what he thinks, its about how smart you are, Al." Daphne said, "And you are smart."
Alexia shook her head, "Daph, you won't get anywhere in life without a good first impression." She looked up, "Of course, it pays to have brains and beauty, but its all about opinions, trust me."
Beside Alexia, Louis grinned. Alexia's values and wit amused him. It was one of a kind; one of a privileged, pure-blood who had grown up in a wealthy family who thrived off connections and money and knew no different.

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