Chapter 2 - Someone Cares

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Elsa's POV

I turned my head to be met with the blue eyed gaze of a boy. His hair was white and he had slight freckles and a concerned expression. he was wearing the same navy blue sweatshirt that I was wearing, along with some jeans and combat boots.

"Don't cry Elsa, please.." The boy pleaded, tilting his head to the side, his big blue eyes watery with tears. I shook my head and continued crying, not even knowing who this boy was and hoping he won't hurt me. Wait..I looked up into his amazing blue eyes and stared at him, surprised. I suddenly flung my arms around his neck and cried into his frosty shirt.

"Jack Frost..." I cried, shaking my head against his chest in disbelief.

"In the flesh..." he whispered into my ear. His hot breath fanned against my neck,making me feel warm when I felt so cold inside. He turned me around, so my back was leant on his chest, and wrapped his arms around me, warming me up. But that didn't change the fact that I was a frosty monster who just happened to be a princess of Arendelle.

"Why can't I be normal?" I cried, my emotions getting the best of me. "I just had to be born a monster."

"No no no, Elsa, You're not a monster! Nothing close." Jack cooed softly into my ear, my cheeks turning a light pink.

"My parents are dead, they want me to be queen now, I can't do that!" I cried harder, the pain I'd held inside since their death being let out, onto a boy I just met.

"Yes you can, Elsa, just believe in yourself." Jack said, pulling me closer to his warm body.

"N-no I can't!" I screamed, standing but being pulled back into Jack's chest swiftly.

"You can." Were his last words before he pressed his lips to mine, in a passionate kiss. I was shocked, afraid, but mostly amazed by how fast I'd fallen for this boy who is a legend to half the world. And as suddenly as it started, it ended, and he was flying up and into the night sky. I stepped back, frozen inside and out now that his warm body had left mine.

I gently touched my lips with two fingers, goosebumps rising on my arms and chills running down my spine. He would never like someone like me, I thought, that was just to calm me down.

But why did he leave? Probably to go bleach his lips and clean out his mouth.

But that boy, oh how he made me feel.

"Jack...?" I called out softly, wiping my rosy cheeks with the back of my hand. I felt the used-to-be-grassy ground freeze under my feet, icy spikes going everywhere. I stepped back, the ice surrounding me and making me extremely afraid. I turned around quickly and ran as fast as I could back home, ice platforms bursting under my feet with every step I took towards home.

I climbed back up the tree, freezing it, and climbed back onto the balcony, causing the whole of to be covered in a sheet of frost. I let out a frustrated and scared groan before I opened the balcony door and ran inside, right to the comfort of my icy room. I slammed the door, making sure to lock it, and cried right against the door, my powers stronger than ever before. Each tear froze before it could hit the ground, leaving a pile of frozen tear drops between my feet.

~[age 18]

"Elsa? I know you're in there, people have been asking where you've been..They say 'Have courage' and I'm trying to, I'm right out here for you...just let me in.." I heard Anna's soft voice ring through the door. I kept crying and wiped my cheeks, my parents are really gone. I can't let her in, I need to stay strong and be authoritative for Anna's sake, I can't hurt her.

I stood and turned to the door, my hand up, ready to knock and let Anna know I'm right here. But I can't find the strength to, What would I even say? I felt more tears freeze down my cheeks and I was soon just standing there, each tear clinking to the floor, my hand held up but a millimeter from the door, not finding the courage to knock. I stomped and icy spikes appeared from the corners of the room, almost piercing my spine. Pure fear spread through my body, along with confusion, pain, and unsureness.

I ran to my window, opening it and resting my shaky hands on the sill. I felt the warm air of summer push it's way into the window frame and passing me, filling my room with the sweet scent and newly baked bread, flowers, the wet grass. I felt a poke on my back, and turned around, the feeling of happiness bursting through me at the thought that Jack Frost might be back. But I faced not Jack Frost, but a sharp spike of ice threatening to pierce my chest. Happiness was taken over by fear as I backed up against the window sill, my hands gripping the mahogany wood. I felt my hands go cold and realized ice was covering the sill, making its way down the side of the castle.

I panicked, running back towards my door and ready to open it, but a burst of blue frost burst from my palm and blocked my way from getting out of the door, covering the knob and the hinges, keeping it firmly in place. I shook my head, my blonde hair falling from it's braid and into my face. This couldn't be happening, I'm trapping my self.

I felt a couple other pokes on my back and then on on the back of my neck before I turned around, an ice spike piercing my throat. I screamed in pain and brought my shaky hands up to my throat, realizing it was only a shallow stab, but still lethal.

I fell to the ground and black spots appeared in my vision. I may have been stabbed other places, which is why I'm feeling so weak and frail, but I couldn't feel it, just the pain of my throat and the numbness of my actions.


I heard the voice but couldn't make it out; could a servant have managed to unlock the door and get in? I wearily looked up and into a pair of familiar beautiful blue eyes filled with worry. I felt myself being picked up but I didn't worry about that, I just stared up into the blue eyes of someone I couldn't dare remember. Who was this person? I realized it had to be a boy, by the masculinity of the voice that called my name. But which boy?

"Elsa.." I heard the strained voice of the boy, who was he? I blinked slowly and felt my throat go dry and fill with pain. I felt something warm trickle down from the corner of my mouth, blood.

"Elsa, c'mon, you can stay awake." The boy begged. I felt myself being set down on my icy bed before I blacked out.

Cold Hearted //Jelsa au//Where stories live. Discover now