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Dr Hocking just sat there still holding onto her sentence.

"Please, just say it," I croaked.

"You're pregnant, Bronte!" She whispered.

I just let my mouth drop. No words came out. I didn't know what to say. I eventually regained enough strength to let my mouth close, swallow and ask,

"How is that even possible? When? How? Why?" I was puzzled. This was when I finally looked a Georgia. Her eyes were full of water and then she just burst into tears. I grabbed her hand and looked at Dr Hocking.

"You are 8 weeks and 6 days along. What do you mean 'How is that possible?'. Bronte you're 16 and pregnant! I'm sure you know how this happened?"

My head was becoming unstable. I felt sick so I grabbed the chair for support. Although I was sitting on it, I felt like I was going to fall forward. Georgia grabbed me by the shoulders and held me back.

"Um, I honestly don't know how this happened," I said meeting her eyes.

"As far as I am concerned, I have never had sex in my life but apparently I have."

"Really? Try and think back to almost 9 weeks ago, what do you remember?" I tried to search through my vague mind but nothing was popping into my head. This may take some time.

Suddenly Georgia's voice interrupted my thoughts.

"Bronte, I remember!" Georgia whispered, looking shocked.

"What is it?" Dr Hock and I both looked at her waiting for the answer.

"The party. Where we all got really drunk and you went off with Tom!" As she said those last few words everything was put into perspective.

"You mean, me and Tom?"

Dr Hocking shook her head.

"Must be. There really is no other explanation," Georgia was convinced this was the answer.

I didn't think it was true but I had to put that aside for now and had to focus.

After we adjusted to the news, Dr Hocking told me all the information I needed to know. She told me to come back in 2 weeks, just to check up on how things are going.

As we were heading out the door, I turned around and asked Dr Hock,

"Can you please not tell my Mum anything about what happened today?"

"I won't. It's all confidential. You should tell her soon though, you'll need her help." Her face looked uneven.

I nodded my head and said a silent 'thankyou' as I walked out.

Georgia and I walked back towards my house in silence. We did plan to go shopping after the doctors but neither of us felt up to it. Once we reach the park, I went and sat on a log just off to the left of the walkway.

"Bronte, are you okay?" Georgia asked.

"You know it's your fault I am like this," I yelled.

"It was your stupid idea to go to that party. I never wanted to go but you made me and practically shoved those cocktails down my throat. Now I am knocked up by my best friend," I yelled even louder. Lucky there was no one in the park today.

She just sat there. Not saying a word, looking at me horrified.

"If you tell anyone about this I will never be your friend again," I shouted at her face as I got up and walked away.

I cried the whole way home. Cars drove past and the people were looking and staring at me. I was such a mess. When I got home, mum and dad were already there. I came storming inside and went straight to my bedroom, slapping the door once I was inside. I sat on my bed, took my shoes on and just sat there for what felt like forever.

Later, I heard a faint knock at the door, it opened and Mum popped her head in. She was probably letting me have time to calm down.

"Are you okay sweetheart?" Mum said softly.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I just had a massive fight with Georgia." I knew I couldn't tell her the truth just yet. I was still adjusting to it myself but at least it was still true.

Mum came over and sat next to me on my bed and gave me a hug. She kissed the top of my head and said,

"Oh, you'll be ok. I am sure you two will be best friends again tomorrow."

"Mum, I doubt it! This was like no fight we have had before." She didn't understand but she just shrugged it off.

She walked out of my room. I didn't want to do anything. I just sat there staring at the floor reflecting on everything that happened today, at the doctors and what i said to Georgia.

I pulled my hands up to my stomach to touch it. I realised it did feel more bloated then usual, then I remembered I had a little person growing in there. What was I going to do about this? I can't talk to my Mum, she would be so upset. My Dad will probably kick me out when he finds out.

I really wish I didn't say any of those horrible things to Georgia. This wasn't her fault. It was mine. I could get an abortion but that goes against everything I have said in class discussions in childcare. I would never end a life like that, especially when it didn't even get a chance to live. I could never kill this baby inside me.

I needed Georgia at this point. I needed someone to talk to. Tomorrow I am going to apologise and I hope she understands.

Hours past and it was time to go to sleep. I knew I wasn't going to get much tonight, there was just to many things to think about but the one question that remained on my mind while I fell asleep was:

'How am I going to be able to raise this child?'

I feel asleep and had one of the most terrifying dreams. I woke up covered in sweat, huffing and puffing. I never wanted to see that dream again. I didn't even what to think about it. I looked at my clock and it was only 3:23am. I still had 4 hours until I needed to get up and ready for school.

So, I lied there and stared at the ceiling.




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