Time to tell Tom

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I must have fallen asleep because I woke up to the sound of my alarm. I continued my usual morning routine and headed down to the bus stop early. Along the way, I thought about what I was going to say to Georgia. I had to make things right. I sat at the bus stop for 20 minutes. I looked to the left and saw bus 101 coming around the kerb.

Okay! I can do this, I can do this, I repeated to myself. I hoped on the bus and saw Georgia in the usual spot. She looked up from her phone and gave me a little smile. I went and sat next to her.

"Georgia, I am extremely sorry about yesterday. I didn't mean anything I said," I continued on forever. I felt like I was pouring my heart out.

"Bon, stop it! I know you are sorry. You were really stressed and scared yesterday, I understand. Well, I dont't really understand your situation but I forgive you. Nothing was taken to heart." She gave me a real smile this time and I lent in for a hug.

"G, what am I going to do about Tom?" I really didn't have a clue what I was going to say to him.

"If you don't want to tell him, then act normal. Like you have been for the past 8 weeks at least."

She did have a point but I really think I should tell him. I can trust Tom and I know he will be there for me. If anyone had to be the father I was glad Tom was it. For now Georgia and Tom are my family.

"No George, I am going to tell him," I decided.

"Wow, that was a changed in attitude but are you sure it is the right thing to do," She thought.

"Yeah, if I was to tell anyone else it would be him even if he is the father or not," I nodded as I spoke. I don't know why but I seem to be becoming more confident.

"Will you come with me?" I asked Georgia.

"Of course I will!" G said as she rolled her eyes.

In no time, it was lunch. Time to face Tom. I decided I was going to ask him about the party. See if he remembered anything, anything at all.

Tom slowly walked up to me and Georgia with a smile on his dial.

"Hey, guys! What's happening?" Tom said in his usual enthusiastic tone.

" Tom, I have something to ask you," I said seriously.

"OK, go ahead...." He looked worried. I am never serious.

I pulled him into an empty classroom and locked the doors behind me. Georgia and I sat down at a table. He gave us a weird look and pulled out a seat of his own.

"Tom, do you remember the party we went to about 2 months ago?" I said, desperately hoping he knew what I was talking about.

"Yes, I remember pretty much everything," He said pretty glum.

"Well I don't remember anything and Georgia said she saw you and me walk off. Where did we go?" I asked.

"Um, well, er, we um went into a um a room," He seemed embarrassed.

"And?" I wondered.

"And well, we were really drunk and um yeah."

Why wasn't he saying what really happened? But I already knew the answer, obviously.

"We slept together, didn't we?" I said straight forward.

"Well, yeah." That's all he said.

" Why did you keep it from me?" I wanted to know.

"I thought you might have been embarrassed, if you knew." He frowned.

"Tom, I'm not embarrassed. I would never be. But I wish you told me earlier." I exclaimed.

"Wait. Then why are you asking me now? Why didn't you come to me earlier?" He seemed curious.

While Tom and I talked, Georgia sat there and looked at us as if she was watching a game of ping-pong.

"That's what I really wanted to talk to you about. Please don't get mad or angry and promise not to tell anyone!"

"I promise," He said as we held out his pinky. I stretched my pinky out and linked it with his. I placed my hands back in the lap pretending to play with them while Tom took a sip of water.

"Tom, I'm pregnant!" I announced quietly.

He choked and spat his drink everywhere. I almost started crying again.

"You're pregnant?" He repeated. His eyebrows lifted so high I swear they were touching his hairline.

"Yes." I answered.

"And it's my kid?"

"Yes, well you're the only one I have... yeah." I wasn't going to continue.

"Oh okay then."

He was very shocked. Georgia had heard all this before but her eyes were still wide as an owls.

"I know it's a lot to take in and all I want to do is cry right now but you can't tell anyone!"

"I pinky promised, didn't I?"

"Yeah I know and I trust you Tom." I said with a smile but tears in my eyes.

"When did you find out?"

"Yesterday." I told him.

The conversation soon died off when the bell rang and we all got up for class. Georgia and I had childcare. Well wasn't this going to be fun.

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