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Hellllloooooooo!!!!!! Hoooooww are chu today? What was that? You hate this already

That's okal! Wait... what is okal? I MEANT OKAY! Wait, how did I accidentally click l instead of y..... hmmm...... i dunno.


I was thinking of a few things.... you know.... deep things like.

If I crash a car on purpose, is it still an accident, or is it a purpose... 

Or if I hit myself and it hurts, am I weak, or strong? Hm? Have you ever thought of things like that. Like weird ass things.... Well, I'm weird I cant help it. I had a lot of sugar and woah..... did you notice... I can't think of anything. Whatever. 

Do any of you watch Death Note? If you into anime, I guess you could've at least heard of it.... DON'T WATCH THE MOVIE, IT'S CANCER! Seriously, please don't watch it... it's awful.

I'm kind of wondering why people freak out over bacon, its a food.... just a food. Not a very delicious one in fact... Eh.. If i offended anyone out there with the very superior love for bacon.... I apologize XD

I've noticed that I have not finished a single book.... I should probably get to that soon...

OH I had to go on my roof yesterday to help put on shingles, and now I have fiberglass in my arms, it's painful, but I'll get over it eventually....

I think Im going to end this random thingamajiggy here... or maybe my procrastination will get the best of me and my wildly drab imagination....

Considering Engrish is almost over.... hmmmmm.... okay, yeah that seems like a good plan.

Procrastination: "But I don't wann--"


*Procrastination takes the better of me*

WELL! Hey, look don't judge me, wait, is procrastination even the right word? No....

No it is not....




Alright, anyway, I'm here.... still.... okay so I had another one of those weird thoughts..

Like, if people could read each other's minds, and two of those people were reading each others minds, wouldn't they be reading their own mind?

I know MIND blown... sorry, a pun was needed. Very needed.

Like have you ever got freaked out by thinking about space or death?

I do all the time


Like seriously, come on, thinking about infinity....

Or like, if you think about if our sun just decided to BLOW UP.... it would take 8 seconds for the Earth to feel the impact and go *poof* out of existence forever, I mean, we all know one day in the distant future, it's gunna happen.... AH I'm creeping myself out!

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