Untitled Part That Now Has A Title....

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So, there's been more thoughts, like.... I was thinking of the word infinity.... and I thought about it for a long long time... as in like, looking crazy in my room staring at my wall long long time. 

My mom thinks I'm crazy, as in mental asylum crazy.

We'll have to see if she's right, I don't think she is. 

Am I CrAZy?


I dunno actually. Everyone is CRazY in their own little way, right? Or is that what they say about weird? I think I'm mistaken.


People have been calling me Mad Hatter.... I think I understand why. Or they call me Wonka. You know, Willy Wonka. 



But seriously, as I was saying before, I have these weird thoughts like infinity... pondering over it scared me. INFINITY, is forever.... and ever...

                                                                                                       and ever.

Which brings me to the thought of space. The Universe is to be thought of as infinity or forever

                      and ever.

But, we'll never know because, we will probably NEVER EVER get to travel outside of out galaxy, we haven't even put a man past the moon!

But, what do I care, huh?

You know I've been thinking a lot about a song, Cooler Than Me. You know it? It's by Mike Posner... it's pretty good...

I can't sing but I do XD

Do you?

I cant dance but I do

How bout' you?

You know how messed up the English Language is??

Like say you said... Don't you dare

That's like you saying Do not you dare

Like WTF

Does that make sense?  NO it does not...  it's weird.

Or when you say... can't you please get that for me.

It's like you saying can not you please get that for me.

Seriously, what is wrong with this language???

It has issues...

So many issues

I'm currently in study hall and next I have gym. 

Alright, I'm going to write that without glancing at the keyboard... heh heh.

I'm cuttently in study hall and bext i have gum.

HOLY..... that sucked..... wow....

well, I don't really have anything else....

Hod on... why is there an expiration date on SOUR cream? SOUR....


Do you guys know the kamikaze pilots?

Why did they wear helmets?        WHY?

Or you know, why is the word abbreviate so freaking long??

Life is weird....

Like, can you cry underwater? And speaking of water, do fish ever get thirsty?

Or when dog food says NEW and BETTER THAT THAT ONE...Who tasted it?

Or why is a circle pizza in a square box and we eat it in triangles.... that's a common one.... 

or hell, why doesn't glue stick to the bottle it come in?

Money is paper, and paper comes from trees, so therefore, money does grow from trees... that may explain why banks have branches....

Now, imagine someone out of nowhere just thinking about your face, thinking about you. Isn't it odd? 

Like, you know how you have that one person on the subway or at a fair that you just like, fell in love with at the time.... now think, you were that person a few times for someone else.... ISN'T THAT CFRAZY????

Have any o you been to a movie theater.... the thing is, which armrest is yours? You don't know, right? Yeah.... weird.

Like why is there a D in fridge but not in refrigerator... 

Or even...in the word scent, which is silent, the S or the C?


Well, I'm gunna talk about something more..... personal. Okay, so my friend, she may have a heart murmur... and its kinda scary because I feel like it's my fault, so we were in gym class last Friday and we were trying to jump rope faster than each other like 4 year olds. We're always so competitive of each other. So, I jumped a little faster than her and it was time to go put all the equipment away, but she started having pains in her chest and she couldn't breathe.... so, my gym teacher thought that my friend and I were just exerted and she sent us to the administration. We sat there and they called our parents to take us home. So, her mother came first and began leaving and they got a ways down the road when her chest started giving her sharp pains.... and, she uh, had to go to the hospital... so yesterday, she missed school for like a check up thing on her heart and it's not working right. And, I'm thinking that I caused it because I urged her to go faster and faster.... well, I doubt she thinks it's my fault, but I know it is. I just do.

WELL enough o the pity party... she'll be fine I hope. 

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