Loose Ends

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The sun was blazing in the bright blue sky. Not a single cloud was in sight. The beaches were packed with civilians trying to cool down. Business and homes were racking up their electric bill with the AC on blast. Fans were working overtime, trying to momentarily get rid of this God damn heat. While the residents of Santa Barbara were used to the heat, they were all wishing for the daily high of ninety-two degrees. For the last numerous weeks the temperature never went bellow a hundred. Even crime had begun to become a slave to Mother Nature. The worst crime the Santa Barbara Police Department had dealt with was a store fight over a bag of ice. Deciding the heat was too much, and not enough crime to go around, Chief Karen Vick had given her detectives the day off.

Carlton Lassiter had protested about the day off. But one look from Vick made him crumble. It was hot, and with her daughter's inner temperature reaching dangerous amounts, she wasn't in a mood to argue. Juliet O'Hara had happily accepted the day off. That night after work, she'd arrived at her boyfriend's house and proceeded to rock his world- literally. Not having spent a full night together in weeks, had worked up a supply of sexual need. As soon as she entered his apartment, flashed him her lust filled eyes, Shawn Spencer had been putty in her hands.

Around three in the morning, they had stop. With the sweat they worked up, the room had gone far too hot. Even with Shawn's AC on full blast, the room had done nothing but grown warmer. Shawn almost convinced Juliet to sleep outside where the night breeze might help cool them down. Juliet turned that down immediately, kicked the blankets off the bed, and promptly fell asleep with her hand clutching his.

"Shawn." A smack to his chest made him grunt awake.

"What?" he moaned.

"The AC stopped," Juliet said. Shawn opened his eyes and hissed softly as the sun hit him full force. "Sun out. Sun hot. Sun bad." Shawn whined turning away from the sliding glass doors that led to the balcony.

"Shawn." Juliet pushed him hard and he fell off the bed. He landed with a thump on the white carpet. "You okay?" Juliet asked not bothering to get up. Moving caused work, work caused heat.

"Just peachy." Shawn reached to his side and found the boxers that had been thrown the night before. He slipped them on his lower half and stood up. The heat coming from the sun had already started to heat up the room, despite the hours of AC. Shawn paddled to the hallway and checked the monitor. The AC was on. Checking the hallway light, Shawn found his guess correct. "Powers out." Shawn announced walking back into the room. He stopped and leaned against the door frame. He watched as Juliet sighed and finally sat up. She clutched a thin white sheet to her chest. She ran her fingers through her hair and met her boyfriend's gaze.

"What?" she demanded.

"Nothing," he smirked. "It's hot." He stated.

"No duh Spencer." Juliet retorted rolling her eyes.

"Wanna take a cold shower?" he asked. "Powers out, meaning no hot water. Which means cold water. Its calling our names Jules, just listen." He cupped his ear and pointed it in the direction of the bathroom. He stayed quiet, as if he was really listening to their names being called. "Yup. I clearly hear it. Don't you?" his eyebrow rose.

"You just want an excuse to see me naked," she smiled as Shawn walked forward.

"Oh Jules. Sweet, sweet Jules. I don't need an excuse to see you naked. Member?" he tapped his head. Juliet rolled her eyes again and chuckled. Yes she knew about his photographic memory. She'd known for months. Only two months into their relationship when she had found out. Not having heard from him all day, made her think something was wrong. She raced from the station to his house to find him an emotional wreck.

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2014 ⏰

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