Chapter 5

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"You sure like your lunch."

Lauren ignored the statement and continued forking food up from her lunch box. Ariana stared in fascination at the eating girl, and turned back to Dinah and Ally.

"Sorry, Lauren usually doesn't talk much."

Dinah ferociously shook her head and spoke loudly.

"It's fine!"

She mumbled under her breath to Ally.

"As long as you keep talking."

Ariana arched her eyebrows.

"Did you say something, Dinah?"

"N - nothing! - Camila, you're back!"

Camila had come through the roof's door, and laid down her own lunch set.

"Sorry, I had to do some errands for Ms. Collins."

She sat next to Lauren and watched as the silent girl scraped the last rice piece into her mouth.


Lauren got up from the table, and pushed the lunch box to Camila.

"Why are you always going?"

Lauren pretended she didn't hear and left the rooftop.

Camila frowned and a crease formed between her eyebrows.

"Stupid jock."

She pulled Lauren's lunch box to her side, and began eating hers hastily.

Ariana grinned and asked in a soft voice. "It must be hard being the class president, right? It always seems like Ms. Collins is making you do something."

Camila looked up with her mouth closed, and worked quickly in clearing it.

"Oh, it's not so bad after a while."

She covered a hand over her mouth, and chewed conscientiously. Ariana nodded and looked across to the lunch box.

"You make lunches for her every day?"

"Yeah... I take them home and give it to her in the mornings."

Camila's voice lowered considerably towards the end, and Ariana noticed the hint of embarrassment attached to it.

"It looks like she really appreciates it."

Ariana smiled at the empty box, and Dinah grunted loudly while whispering in an upset tone.

"She even packs her a small dessert - "


"What? You do!"

Ally took her own rice - ball and crammed it into Dinah's hanging mouth.

"Dinah's just jealous because you never made one for her."

Dinah engulfed the rice - ball, but sniffed out in annoyance to the truth of Ally's words. Camila stared in astonishment and replied back genially.

"You should have told me, Dinah! I'll bring some over tomorrow."


The sullenness in Dinah's eyes dissipated and they gleamed of happiness once again.


Camila glanced down to the empty lunch box and smiled.

"I haven't had a chance to taste the desserts myself either."

"Should you really be coming here like this?"

"It's fine."

Lauren lifted a heavy box with both arms and pushed it onto a low shelf.

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