Chapter 14 : Basic Knowledge

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Qing's POV

"Don't be sad like that. I'm right here with you." I whispered at Dayu.

I intertwined our hands together, but Dayu quickly yanking it. "Wang Qing! We are in campus!" Dayu was using my full name, that means he really serious. So I stopped. I hoped Dayu wasn't mad at me. I secretly gazed at him, but he was actually smiling. And his face was crimson red.

We strolled along the corridors and went to have our lunch. In the corner of the cafeteria, I saw Qiu Shi sitting alone, waiting for us. So I told Dayu I need to go to the bathroom first, and asked him to get our food. He nodded.

I went to Qiu Shi quickly and dragged him to the corridor.

"Qing! What are you doing!"

"Tell me, do you know why Dayu moved to Canada 2 years ago?"

He adverted his eyes "Of course I know. His father got transferred."

"Tell me honestly!" I said sternly, staring at him, expectant. 

"Haaa.. You know don't you? About the bullying?" just bullying? This was a tricky question. I didn't know how much Qiu Shi know.

"Dayu told me about the bullying. But not details. I also didn't want to push him, so I'm asking you right now. I knew Liu Wei was the mastermind. Do you know who else was behind it?"

"Zhang Tao. I only know he was Liu Wei's acquaintance who works and own a big cram school, the name was Zhang cram school I think. Hmm.. We saw him several times in the neighbourhood. But then it was getting frequent. He then got Dayu's number, you guess from who."

Before I could ask the next question, Qiu Shi started speaking "At first it was just a texts and phone calls.  But then he sometimes appeared in front of our school. It went on for several months until we graduated. Then Dayu went to Canada with his parents a month later in August, and nothing happened." So, Qiu Shi didn't know. My heart flutters, Dayu didn't even tell his best friend, but he trust me enough to tell me.

"Why do you even need the details?" He frowned, as if he was trying to figure something out. 

"I have to know the details so I can protect him better." Qiu Shi nodded, a flash of understanding crossed his face.

"Ok, let's go back before Dayu gets suspicious." We made our way to the cafeteria, sat at the big table and waited for Dayu. Minutes later Dayu came with two food trays.

"Ah there you guys. I didn't have your food, Qiu Shi. I thought you had lunch already."

"I had my lunch already." He smiled.

We started ravenously devouring our lunch. Then Dayu asked "What about Mei Jie? Still can't contact her?"

No one will be able to contact her. I still have her phone though.

"Not yet. I don't know where she went. But then again, it was normal for her to not contacting me for weeks. But you know what, I already broken up with her, so I didn't care." I wanted to laugh. It was me you were breaking up with. And through text on top of that.

Dayu didn't utter a comment. Then I changed the topic. After lunch, we returned to our class. Dayu went in first. I stayed outside to make a phone call

"I need you to search for a man called Zhang Tao. He owns a cram school, maybe it was named after him. Give me all his information tonight"

I followed Dayu inside after I ended the call.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

That night, an unknown number flashed on my phone screen. It must be the informant. I answered right away.

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