Five- Caring

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Jacob, Christian and I were just walking the trail of the park.

Nothing fancy.

"What's been up with you?" I asked.

"Nun, trying to keep up with my grades." He chuckled

"I hear you man. We have like a month and a half of school left. I'm failing Spanish still and Literature."

"Jakkkkkeeeeeee!" Christian whined.


"I have to go potty." He complained.

He smacked his lips.

"Fine Let's go." Jacob groaned, grabbing his hand and walking to a bush.

Christain started to scream.

"I'm not going in the bushes! What if someone sees my ding dong!"

"I am not going in that nasty ass bathroom.Either you go right here, pee on yourself or wait." Jacob replied.

Christian started to cry.

"I have to go sooooo badly."

Damn, hearing him cry made my heart sink 1000 feet.

"Jake, I'll just run him to the community center across the way." I said.

He looked over the field.

"Aight." He shrugged.

I picked up Christian and ran as fast as I could to the community center.

After about a minute and a half, we made it inside and to the bathroom.

"You know how to go yourself?" I asked, panting.

He nodded and ran inside one of the stalls/

I pulled out my phone and texted Jacob

"Made it here."

Nolater than 10 seconds, he replied


I smiled to myself.

I heard a flush and seen Christian walking out of the bathroom stall.

"Come here, let's wash your hands." I said

By his waist, I picked up him so he could wash his hands because he was waaaayyyyy to short.

"Chresss... What is pussy?" He asked.

I froze at his question.

What in the hell has this boy been listening too?

"Do you like Ice cream?" I asked,changin the Subject

He nodded and got excited.

"I like Vanilla!"

"Well Maybe after we leave, we can get some."

Christian and I exited the community center.

Once we made it to the park, something caught my eye.

It was Jacob and...... a girl.

They were talking and with every word, she giggled.

"Damn,she is pretty." Christian mumbled.

My head whipped in his direction.

"Don't say damn, that's a bad word." I whispered.

"Jake!" Christian yelled, running to Jake.

"Heyy man!" Jacob picked him up and hugged him.

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