Chapter 4

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Stacey's POV
Tina never go to classes or great hall because everyone found out that she is pregnant and they start to bullied her. I have an ideas but it bad idea but it for Tina I'm doing this for Tina. I need to find George and talk him about my plan to see if he agree with it or not.
"Tina, I'm going to find George, okay?" I asked and she nodded look out window I sighs then went outside to find my George I hope everything went well but I'm kinda scared.

I went inside the great hall and everyone look at me, they probably I'm Tina but I'm not cos my belly doesn't show that everyone look down their food they knew I'm not Tina, I walk toward to George and Fred.
"George can I talk to you in private?" I asked and he nodded got up.
"Let go for walk." George said grab my hand as we went outside Hogwarts to go for a walk, "What is it?" He asked.
"Well, I tell you what my plan is but I'm not sure if you agree with me." I said.
"I'm listen." He said I sighs.
"You know Tina is pregnant, and she be alone and I hate she staying in dorm room not coming out at all but my plan is what if we having a baby so she won't be alone." I said hoping he agree with me or not? Suddenly he kissed me and hug me I look at him confused.
"That a great ideas, I want Tina get out of dorm room so I think your plan will be great." He said I sighs in relief.

2 weeks later (sorry to skips)
I been throwing up for few days I hate it, I know my period is late I'm guessing I'm pregnant, George will be so happy to hear the news as I went to hospital wings with George to go see Madam as I lift my shirt up, she put cold jelly on my stomach and scan it.
"You're pregnant." She said I sighs in happy I know George is too. I know I'm 14 years old but I don't want Tina to be alone through this pregnancy.

Next day, we told Fred and Tina to go the black lake to see us as we need tell them that I'm pregnant, I hope they be happy for us. I saw Tina and Fred coming toward to us confused.
"What is it you need tell us?" Fred asked, I look at George and he sighs.
"Stacey is pregnant." George said.
"You are?" Tina asked I nodded and she scream hug me, Fred hug George then we swap so Tina hug George while Fred hug me then we all hug together.
"Well, congrats." Fred said to us.

A month later, Tina is 3 months pregnant and I'm a month pregnant I'm start to showing, everyone just found out after saw my stomach.
"I don't care what they think of us but at least we together." I said.
"You're right, at least we got ours boyfriend too." Tina said I nodded.
"Well let go eat I'm starving." I said.
"Me too!" Tina said as we walk to our ravenclaw table and sat down start to eat foods, I haven't found out if I'm having a twins with George because Tina is having a twins so I thought I might having a twins because I'm a twin and so is George too.

2 months later, Tina is 5 months pregnant and I'm 3 months, Tina found out she having both girls a month ago.
I'm going to find out what I'm having.
"Ready?" Madam asked we nodded.
I hold George hand, we look at screen.
"You having a twins, a boy and a girl." Madam said I knew it! I'm having a twins, a boy and a girl? Wow.

"I got a name for a boy." George said.
"Really? What is it?" I asked.
"Freddie?" George said I laugh.
"Seriously?" I asked and he nodded.
"Yes, Freddie Arthur Weasley?" George said smile at me I roll my eyes.
"Okay then, what about a girl?" I asked.
"You chose." George said.
"Well either Jasmine or Martha?" I said look at him, he look like he thinking.
"Jasmine." He said I smile, "Jasmine Stacey Weasley?" He added I look at him surprised.
"You want name her after me?" I asked.
"Yes I love you, and I want name her after you." George said I smile and kiss him.
"I love you Georgie." I said giggles.
"I love you too." He said shake head.

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