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{ Third Person}
Has team Bad sat in the locker room after a match with team Bella . Sasha stood up and crossed her arms .
" why don't people take us seriously!? We're apart of the wwe we should be getting matches like the men do that's not fair women are just has great Has men" Sasha was anger that women weren't equally to men they where treated like men where better then women and she didn't like that .
" girl that's just how they do .." Naomi added in also not happy with the way they are treated
" it wasn't also this way women could face men is matches and could fight them " tamina added shaking her head . Sasha turned her head to Naomi and Tamina
" let's change it ok ! Let's go to Stephanie and call her we wanna be treated like men in the wwe !!" Sasha grabbed their hands and marched all the way to Stephanie's office. Has Sasha opened the door seeing Stephanie sitting there
" hello ladies what can I do for you "
" we wanna be treated equal to men " Sasha crossed her arms with her team mates behind her

" ladies are you sure your ready for that .. it's tuff and-"
" yes ! We can handle it we can even handle your best male tag team ! " Sasha smirks
" you think team Bad can beat the Shield they are unstoppable.. not just some little girls can-"
" little !? We can beat em they not so tuff !" Naomi added on fist bumping tamina. Stephanie smiles and nods
" alright ladies you got yourselves a match a one on one match .. tonight Sasha banks takes on Seth Rollins " Stephanie crossed her arms and smirks Sasha high fives Naomi and tamina
" alright that's enough.. and if I beat Seth we get more matches like this " Sasha added nodding has her and her team left the office. Stephanie got up and went to find the Shield only to find them sitting and talking
" boys ... Seth has a match today a one on one match and it's a surprise " Stephanie left the boys wondering has Seth made his way to the ring.

Has Seth waited in the ring for his match he turned and talked to dean and Roman
"Who do you think it is ?" Seth asked
" maybe randy or Kane " dean stated
" or maybe-" Roman was stopped in his tracks has team Bad theme songs plays Seth looked shock along with his team mates has Sasha made her way to ring the crowd went wild has Sasha got in the ring . Naomi and tamina eyeing Roman and dean .

The Bell rang has Sasha Seth started to square off head lock after head lock , drop kick after drop kick they where like equals until Seth dropped her head first on the turn buckle Naomi started yelling at the ref
" come on ref that's not fair ! " Naomi was making a distraction had Sasha kicks Seth in the nuts then rolled him up and the bank statement has Naomi jumped down trash talking to dean and Roman

" Seth do you give up ? " the ref asked
"Come on Seth give up !" Sasha pulled back father bending his back soon after 10 more seconds Seth tapped on to her she let him go dean tried to get the ring to help his buddy but Naomi pulled his down has he turned around he was meet with two super kicks . Roman ran to check on dean but shortly meet the same fath has dean Sasha wanted at mic has she grabbed it from them
" look a women beat Seth from the Shield ! Why am I not surprised he is the weakest link anyway " sasha smirks and waves Naomi and tamina to bring Roman and dean in the ring so they did
" and look poor crazy dean and the big dog Roman or should I say little dog " Sasha laughs then hands the mic to Naomi
" team Bad just landed waste to the Shield ! The most unstoppable team in the tag team but they where just to weak their aren't the hounds they are puppies " Naomi smirked and hands the mic to tamina
" now we're the hounds and their puppies to us" tamina throws the mic down has the do The shields pose with their fist in the middle . Has team Bad got out the ring the Shield day up and looked at them has Sasha was making the crying face and Naomi laughing has tamina smirks .

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