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Chapter 1

I walk into thru the doorway of my new house. It's wooden accents and earthy tones make the home feel comfortable and relaxed. I walk up the stairs cringing as they creak, but ignoring the sound and progressing into my new room. Inside, the light patterns of blues and whites feel natural and clean, which I enjoy. I sit on the large bed and contemplate my predicament.

Back in Los Angeles, I was very popular. My friends say I'm a people person, I value others more than myself. I was happy, I had good friends, a nice house, and admittedly a really cute guy I was crushing on. But he had a girl friend, and saw me as only a friend. But I was content, that is until my parents came home with the life altering news. I had to move to middle of no-where Sage Brush, Washington. I close my eyes and the memory comes back against my wishes.

The air conditioner blasts cold air into the room, despite it being the end of the day. My pencil scrapes against the lined paper leaving charcoal colored marks. I move my head to look at my math book and copy the problems. I whirl around as I hear the door knob click and turn. My dad steps in with a grim expression, followed by my mom. I watch as they cross the room to stand on the other side of the kitchen island where I sit. My mom says "we have some bad news sweetie," my dad cuts in "we are moving." I stare unblinking, not believing what they are saying. "I know it will be hard, but because of our jobs, we are moving to Sage Brush Washington." My mother says giving my father a discerning look. My voice cracking I ask "will we ever come back? I mean to visit, or to go to Disneyland?" (I go with my parents to Disneyland a lot because we are kind've rich) "of course" my dad replies eyes softening.

The memory fades and my eyes get teary. I start to cry. I quickly shut my door and sink against it, leaning my back on the door. I start to sob, I bend my head into my arms, hiding my face from the world.

I know it's short, but tell me in the comments for more!

~ Admin

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