Chapter 2: I meet the hottest guy ever at school

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When I go to school the next week I report to the principals office and receive my schedule.

I go to my first class and try not to cry like I did earlier as my mother hugged me and dropped me off at the school.

I walk in the door and sit at an empty seat and look at my neighbor only after I sit down.

I almost fall out of my seat when I see him. I stare for only a second shocked, at the gorgeous boy in front of me.

White palish skin, bright blue eyes that sparkle myscheiviously, dark blond hair that curls in a messy, scruffy, but attractive array over his forehead. White teeth and pale lips.

I look away quickly and focus on the teacher, who to my absouloutle dismay, talks to the class about being kind to the new student, and so on.

I shrink down in my seat, embarresed but no one laughs or snickers. Which only made the situation more awkward.

The blue-eyed blond boy turns to glance at my and stiffens imediantly studing me intently.

I feel my face burn red, and he seems more shocked then angry. Even though I can see slight anger in his gaze.

I look away and wait the class out, which is hard since I really hate Algebra when class ends, I scurry to pack my bag, and when I stand up to leave, I feel a hand on my shoulder.

I whip around and see the boy, Ethan, I remember the teacher saying, hands me a book. "You dropped something"

He says matter o factly in a silky smooth voice. My face flushes into it's favorite shade of red, as I accept the book and mentally kick myself, it's Twilight. The vampire novel. If possible my face deepened in shade even farther.

"Oh. Sorry" I say as I shove the book in my bag.

"Why are you sorry?" he asks seeming genuinely curious

"Um. I" I stutter the warning bell rings and I scramble tworads the door and walk fast to my French class.

I met a few nice girls who were with me in several more classes up until lunch so they invited me to eat with them. I accepted and asked them about Ethan.

They seemed suprised at our exchange.

"He never talks to anyone, well girls. Not even the popular, cheerleaders" one girl, Amelia says talking fast.

Amelia is my favorite so far, she has blondish hair brown eyes and a nice complection.

"I mean it's not like were saying you aren't important or anything it's just like, he talks to no-one" Rose hurriedly says.

Rose is cool too. I like her almost as much, well as much I guess as Amelia. She has reddish brown hair, pretty brownish hazel eyes and is slightly pale

"No. No I get it" I smile "but I guess Ethan thinks I'm important" I say joking

They all laugh and the tension eases. We finish lunch but I notice Ethan staring at me. I find a smile forming on my lips. I shake my head 'what's wrong with me?' I think. I sigh and head to my next class.

When Lang Arts and science are over, I notice with dismay, that my next class. Is GYM!

I grab my P. E. Clothes and change adding on some extra de-oderant. I go to sit by Amelia and Rose, thankful I have a few friends there with me. Then I notice over by the other boys, There stands Ethan. Watching and inspecting me.

I tense up and turn away, and whisper to Amy and Rose. They look shocked as I feel. "He is the last person I want in gym with me!" I whisper yell.

"I can't believe he keeps staring at you" Amy says nervously

"It's so weird!" rose whispers fervently

"I just wish-" I get cut off as our teacher enters

"Well. Class, today we are playing DodgeBall"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2014 ⏰

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