Chapter 2

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My week had passed by slowly. Tuesday was bore, Wednesday was a drag and Thursday was a bummer. But it was Friday and that meant the weekend was right out of my grasp. No further commentary from my partner, which was a god send. After this project I never wanted to talk to him again. The richness of his voice was enough to make me want to gag. Sure it worked on other girls, but unfortunately, most of the female population that I knew of had an IQ of 4. 

I walked into school and the smell of teen angst hit me hard. I was about to pinch my nose when my phone buzzed.

Mason: Hey partner, when do you want to meet up?

Me: Excuse me?  We aren't meeting up.

Mason: For the project. Jeez. 

Me: Oh, yeah ok. You pick

Mason: How about Branson Park?

Me: Sure. 3:30?

Mason: Sounds good, see you then. ;)

The last few words of that text indicated a tone of voice that really would have made me throw up. I trekked up the stairs to 1st period science. We were dissecting frogs today. Yes most of us had done it in middle school, but they wanted to 'refresh' us. Thank god Jasie was in my class.

The science room was cold. High air conditioning, but also the feel. Jars filled with unidentifiable body parts of old dead animals in different color liquids. Posters of the inside of the human body, to great, detail. I walked over to my table, Jasie was sitting there looking excited. "Hey Jas, you look so bored." I say, sarcasm laced my voice, she gave me a look, "We're dissecting frogs. It's exciting!" Jasie told me. 

15 minutes later we were dissecting a frog. The smell with horrible. 

"So," Jasie started, "how's the project going?"

"Haven't started yet. Supposedly we're working on it later today." I replied

Jasie picked up a scalpel and began to dig out the insides of this poor frog. "You know a lot of girls are jealous of you right?" 

"Why?" I ask

"You got the hottest guy in school"

"I also got the assholiest guy in school"

"That's not a word"

"It is if I say it is."

"Whatever. Girls are jealous of you. I mean Mason is kind of attractive you have to admit. With those brown eyes and light brown hair, and oh that jaw line with that little bit of scruff on his face damn how can you not see it?"

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