Chapter 25

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More weeks passed and soon the plan was in place, all we needed now was the right time. Which meant only one thing left to do: wait. Word spread quickly though the halls that Mason and I had become a thing, and I noticed that more people had been looking in my direction lately. Girls sent glares my way and boys looked me up and down as if I was some new toy on the market. One got to close one day and Mason shot him a look that said, Try to touch her. You'll be dead before you're in the vicinity. I made sure he didn't see any more looks after that. 

Even though the right time could stike at any moment, Mason and I did normal things on our time off. At least as normal as they could be. I'd told him I wanted to know more about his life and after awhile he finally agreed. On Monday he took me to an abandoned building on the East side, at first I thought it was just another spot for him to set my body on fire again, but I couldn't have been more wrong. 

Mason led me down a hall and into the main room, concrete floor and a second level with barely any railings to keep people from falling off the ledge. On one side of the room computers sat on glass tables and screens glowed blue, green and black. People sat at the desks, and more ran from screen to screen. One huge screen sat at the front showing a map of the world; red lines connecting continents. 

The other side was a polar opposite; black mats and sparring bags hung from chains connected to the ceiling and a large ring was set up in the middle. Two girls were fighting bare handed, throwing punches and lunges. One dropped low and kicked the others leg out, her opponent sent to the ground. A second later the match was over and the girls were smiling at each other and laughing witht he rest of the group. 

"This," Mason said, gesturing around the room. "Is the Main Compound. Those," he pointed to the group near the ring, "are trainees. Watch this." He walked towards them and when he came into the eyesight of them they all snapped into attention. Arms clasped behind their backs, their spines ram-rod straight, feet together. Mason put his own hands behind his back and raised his chin slightly, he seemed to transform right before my eyes into someone who commanded a room, who stole attention, who made people listen. 

He looked like a leader. 

Mason walked down the line, eyes surveying every inch. "At ease." Their legs spread to shoulder width apart. He made his way to the first person in line-a boy a little younger than Mason with shaved black hair and dark skin-and said, "Sebastion, report." The boy put his right hand across his chest, fist landing over his heart. 

"Nothing major, sir. Training is proceeding as planned." He looked at Mason. "It's good to see you, sir." Mason laughed and pulled Sebastion into a hug, the other man returned the hug, clapping Mason on the back. They pulled back and smiled at each other. Mason looked back at me and told Sebastion, "This is Calsy." I walked over a little akwardly and sheepishly said, "Hello." Sebastion grinned at me. 

The rest of the trainees were still in position and Mason looked at them, "Dismissed." The repeated the same move Sebastion did and went off on their way. Mason turned back to me, "Awesome right?" I scoffed and rolled my eyes, a small smile on my lips. Mason must've taken that as a yes, because he grabbed my waist and pulled me into a kiss. Any embarrassment I would've felt melted away when his lips moved on mine. I threw my arms over his shoulders and gripped his head. 

At the sound of a few whoops and hollers we broke apart, my cheeks burning. "Alright, alright. Wyatt, shut your mouth before I shut it for you." There might have been truth to the words but Mason's joking manner told me he probably wouldn't follow through with the threat. I turned to see who he was talking to and saw someone sitting in one of the chairs in front of a computer.

He was about Mason's age with brown, curly hair that went almost to the nape of his neck. A straight jawline and muscled arms could be seen with his short-sleeved t-shirt. He smiled at us and made his way over, arms across his chest. 

"My apologies, your royal highness. I didn't realize cheering was treason." Wyatt mocked a bow. 

Mason grabbed his shoulder and pushed him up, and I noticed Wyatt stood a little taller than Mason. "You did the same thing if I remember correctly, the first time you met Julie. You were all over each other." Mason quirked an eyebrow. A small glimpse of red crept up Wyatt's neck before it went back down. 

"Leave him alone, Mason. You gave him a hard time too if I remember correctly." A voice chimed in from behind us said. Mason and I swung around at the girl now walking toward us. Jet black hair swinging behind her as she made her way over. She stepped up right beside Wyatt and kissed his cheek, ruffling his hair. Wyatt rushed to fix it, as she swung her arm over his shoulder. 

"I'm Juliana, my friends call me Julie." Juliana held out a hand, I took it. 

"Well," Mason said bringing the attention back to him. "We still have a lot to see. We'll catch you guys later." Wyatt nodded and turned to Juliana who smiled at me and turned to him. 

"They seem nice." I said to Mason. 

"Glad you think so because you'll probably see a lot more of them soon. Wyatt's in my Circle of Six." Mason replied. He took my hand and led me into a dark hallway and into a spacious room. Another screen lined the wall and a table sat in the middle of the room. A familiar red-head stood over a row of computers lined up in front of the screen, and she stood up when she entered. 

"Deeya. Run it. You," Ivy pointed at a girl standing in a corner, "Get Tom." The girl saluted and ran to carry out the order. Ivy looked to us and jerked her head to the screen. Dozens of names and faces filled the screen to fast for me to understand any of it but Mason seemed to get it. His face hardened and his gaze was locked on the ever changing screen. 

Ivy looked at me and then at Mason. Her voice was hard and cold, detached. 

"It's time." 

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