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I think I woke up earlier the la'destiny and just took in everything. I went to the bathroom to do my daily routine before this raunchy hoe got up.  After I was finished I woke up la'destiny so she could get dressed. While I waited for her to get done checked my phone.  I had a test from my mom saying goodmorning and she loves me and she'll see me at the game. I noticed that I had a message from Chris bighead self

After we finished texting I started to eat a Apple. Than i finally see this bitch coming down stairs. Okae bitch looking like me I said laughing. She started laughing and said " naah foreal?  "Whatever guh don't get beat up this morning" i told her. After we finished talking miracle texted us saying that she was outside and to be ready. I ran to get my bag from upstairs because I didn't want to have a repeat of last time I left my bag. So I ran back down stairs and made sure I locked the door and headed to miracle car.  "Heyyy cousin💕"hey boo she said to me and I gave her a hug. "Heyy Africa guh " heyy keke she said laughing. After that We stopped by to get some breakfast which was much needed. I got me what I normally got but something told me to just get Chris something. So i listened to myself and ordered him some and a orange juice on the side. "Hmm what you got so much food for bitch? Miracle asked me. "I bet you I know why" la'destiny busted out laughing. Africa was in the front seat looking lost as hell until she finally caught on. "Awe y'all so cute guh"africa told me I looked at her crazy gurl stop playing with me I said laughing. When we got to school we parked and went into the student center and took a seat at the table we Normally be at. A few people came over a few band students a couple football players and cheerleaders. I seen Chris and he came over and starting messing with me. " you over here eaten McDonalds where mine at? He asked
"If you give me a minute lol I'll give it you I told him." Wait you really got me something? He asked. "Yeah I got you a sausage mcgriddle and this frappe. I handed it to him and he smiled "thank you kee. I looked at him and laughed "you welcome bighead." He sat across me as we was eaten this girl came out the blue and asked" Chris why yo fine ass talking to that fag?" I looked at the bitch like she was trash on the ground. " first off bitch you need check ya self second worry about that nasty ass nigga of yours given you disease day in and out and third ha you just mad you not on majorettes bitch, get gone"i told her. Everybody busted out laughing. She looked like she was about to cry and to be honest I didn't care at this point.  "Why you worried about who I talk to? I don't want you I got my eyes set on somebody already and it's not you" Chris told her and he looked and winked at me, which caused me to blah. " Damn why the fuck y'all not together yet?" Tayjah said and we all laughed. After that went down the bell rung and it was time for us to get to class. Chris walked with me to class. We talked about everything and Chris asked me"foreal tho why you won't talk to me? " you ain't never asked"i told him. "Oh foreal hmmm we gonna have to change allat huh?' Welp we sure is bighead I told him. And the bell rung. I walked with my cousin miracle since we had my next class together. ( if you don't know what block schedule is it's A and B class and they both are different).when we got to class me and my cousin instantly got to talking about what happen." Boy you is stupid you want off on that dirty how this morning " she said laughing "hell yeah she came for me and I had to address her" I said to her. "You seen how your man stood up for you?" "Hursh lol yeah I did, but speaking of that he asked me why me and him wasn't together yet tho?"i told.her "yeah like why aren't y'all together yet tho I mean I see the chemistry and y'all look cute asf together "she said "ain't it tho the majorette and the football player hannn lol but truthfully I told him he hasn't asked me out yet?" I told here "hmmm I feel like it's something special going to happen today bebey!" She told me " Hmm you think so?" I told her " yup said said with a slick smirk. I thought to myself hmm what's going on today so I pulled out my phone and text tayjah

 I thought to myself hmm what's going on today so I pulled out my phone and text tayjah

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I start to think everybody got some going or it's some kinda surprise or sum shit. After a hour and a half class ended. I was off to lurnch. When I tell y'all lurnch was poppin beby. Their was the two girls fighting because the other girl slept with her boyfriend, scandalist. So I'm in my normal spot in the back of the school not waiting for the bell to ring because basically just chilling. The bell had rung and I started to walk to my next class which was my auxiliary class. When I got in class it's not that many in here because of the b day schedule it's 4 of my girls and majority of flagline. Game days are basically chill days only thing we really have to do is get ready for the pep rallys and want out hair and other things. Lucky for me my cousin had this class period with me so I was happy. So me her and a few other girls was talking amongst our self.
"Any of y'all going to homecoming?"-flagline girl said
"When is it again shid I forgot?- me
"boy homecoming in 3 weeks"-ladestiny
"I know you fucking lien"me and flagline girl #2 we busted out laughing
" yall is to funny -majorette #3
"You ain't never lyin bih,so who y'all going with?-majorette #4
"carlos taken me-flagline girl #2
I basically tuned everybody out until I heard this irrelevant  girl on my line  say that Chris off the football team.had asked her to go with her. I looked at my cousin and she asked "you sho it's number 24 Chris lightskin on the football team?
"Yea that's him guh..he want this kitten-she said
"girl don't nobody want that tired ass pussy of yours that everybody else than had i told her. I thought I said it in my head but i guess it came out instead
"First off apparently he do cause he in my text line beby so talk what he fuck you know,walking around here like you just big shit you tried it ."she said
"Woah first off bitch I'm just stating facts you been passed around but shid bebey do you and nahh ion think I'm big shit I just know what I'm able to do and my best " i told her
"Gurl you better calm the fuck
"lil girl you better stand the calm the fuck down before I walk your stupid ass in here about that one -la'destiny
"Im just saying he obviously worked up that Chris texting me - she laughed
"Bitch you see this face literally I'm unbothered asf by you and ion argue behind dick bebey girl now be gone like to edges boo i told her everybody started laughing and our band director came out and told is to go over our stand routines. So we got in our stand forms and started going over our dances. After see was finished they made the announcement to send everybody thst part of band auxiliary cheerleaders, silver boots, and football' playersto their designated areas for the pep rally. About 20 minutes the rooms was full of everybody.

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