something real

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I haven't gone into a lot of detail about my health so here I go I guess

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I haven't gone into a lot of detail about my health so here I go I guess.. first of all the pills on my album cover represent a time in my life where tiny little pills kept me alive enough to create and drop digital druglord they don't mean xanax is cool and go steal your parents money for fake lean smh.. second .. I'm really really sorry I couldn't make the show I had today with zedd I simply didn't have the strength and I'm in too much pain for my fourth pancreas surgery.. I'll be back ASAP and make it up I promise.. Vegas tomorrow is still on and sold out I believe :/ but if I'm not jumping up and down as much it's probably cuz my surgeon accidentally cut my muscle during surgery placing three stents in my 6 centimeter cyst I've developed under my pancreas touching my stomach in the last few months.. Which was causing excruciating pain everyday because last year I had what's called necrotizing pancreatitis ( part of my pancreas is dead and will never regenerate) it doesn't matter that I haven't drink in a year since my first episode.. The Dead part of the organ keeps making Pockets or cysts to distribute the gross shit that can't be broken down.. sorry I couldn't play today and I'm going to do my best to put on the best show again tomorrow.. once again all merch sales tomorrow or being donated to the Vegas victim Relief Fund.. my managers asked me to think about giving half and I would give half if I have to give a shit but fuck that!! What happens really shocked me cuz I play music festival every weekend and feels like I can't even imagine how terrorizing it must have been to be there during that.. my heart goes out to anyone that lost anyone or was hurt by this dramatic Act of whatever the fuc was going on through this one of many sick Minds in this world.. I'll put a jar out tomorrow too if you want to buy any BB merch and just donate a dollar something all good! Love you guys cyber sex 11/27 (my birthday and cyber monday) - bear 10.14.17

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