Mistakes (5)

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Draco made a lot of mistakes. He would say the wrong thing without knowing it was wrong. He would do the wrong thing without knowing it was wrong. I knew what I was getting into when I fell in love with him. I tried not to be angry with him when he did make a mistake because I knew who raised him. I knew that good morals were hard to come by under the cold roof of the Malfoy Manor.

And although it was never perfect, I knew he always tried his best. Always.

Draco and I are both very proud beings. Whenever we'd fight, one of us would not immediately apologize. We needed our time to retreat and sulk, and we appreciated the silence and alone time to cool off.

This was possibly the biggest fight we'd ever had. The cause wasn't even 100% clear to me anymore. He said something. Something unintentionally rude and insulting. My face immediately turned bitter. I ran out of the entrance hall all the way to our common room. He followed. One thing led to another and we were both saying really harsh things we didn't mean, resulting in questioning our future together.

Things had gotten heated before, but never to this extent. We didn't split. I stormed out before either of us did something we'd regret. We hadn't spoken a word to each other in a week, which is the longest we've ever gone during a fight. I was incredibly sad and deeply hurt, and I'm sure he was too. But I didn't take off his ring. I would never take off his ring.

The grand bath in the prefects lavatory was filled with bubbles and water that was a tad too hot, but that was how I liked it when I had a lot weighing down on my mind late at night. I stripped my clothes and slowly got in, wincing slightly at the temperature. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, allowing the water to strip my mind of troubles.

"Boy troubles with the handsome one?" I sighed and opened my eyes to see that Myrtle had floated by and sat on the ledge on the other side of the bath.

"Yes, if you must know," I replied, understanding that there would be no point in attempting to close the conversation. "But I'd rather not tell you all about it, so-." She cut me off with a giggle.

"You don't need to. I already know all about it," She replied with that constantly smug look of hers.

"Merlin, word gets around fast. Who the fuck told you? Was it Harry? I told him not to tell anyone, I'm gonna bloody kill hi-." She cut me off again with yet another giggle.

"No, no, not Harry, though I do wish he'd come and see me more often. No, it was him, the handsome platinum boy. He came in here a week ago. The night it happened,"

"And..." I prompted her.

"And he's even more good looking this year than last year. Why do the hot ones always go for the average-looking ones? Maybe he would consider going steady with a dead girl instead," I splashed water at her transparent body from across the large bath, knowing it would piss her off, and sent her a glare. "Fine... he told me the whole story. He was going on and on about how hurt he was by what happened, blah, blah, blah, I even saw him tear up a bit. He turned away so I wouldn't see, but he didn't realize that I saw it all," her expression turned sour. "It made me angry. Everyone at this school complains, and complains, and takes life for granted. I wonder how they would feel if they were dead and made fun of by the whole school. A petty fight with a girl wouldn't seem so bad, would it?"

"Myrtle, what should I do?" I asked. She looked offended and taken aback.

"I don't care," She got up from where she was sitting. "That's your problem isn't it?" And she floated away towards the stalls and out of sight. I furrowed my brows in slight anguish, but quickly dismissed it, remembering it was just Myrtle. I closed my eyes again and returned to my thoughts.

My stomach twisted into a knot every time my thoughts jumped back to Draco. His words were so poisonous sometimes, but I never questioned why I was with him and I never will. All this boy needed was for someone to love him and care about him, and I entirely disregarded that because I was too stupid to look at things from his point of view. And even though he hurt me, the only person that I wanted to comfort me during all of this was him, but I couldn't go to him. I immediately pushed back the tears that were threatening my eyes.

I sat there staring at the bath water for what felt like hours, when I heard the door to the bathroom open and someone walk in and towards me. It was Draco. He instantly began to take off his clothes. Once they were off he dipped his toes in the water and slowly sunk in.

"Draco-" He didn't answer. He just got into the bath, grabbed me, pulled my body towards his, and began to kiss me, with one hand on my waist and the other on my cheek. At first I was caught off guard, but I melted into the kiss when it occurred to me that it was just what I needed in that moment. I had never felt a kiss with so much passion and lust. We continued to kiss, our lips moving in beautiful synchronization, keeping up the silence. Even Moaning Myrtle, who had now emerged from the stalls, didn't dare speak one word.

I knew what this meant. It meant that everything was okay. Neither of us were very good at apologies. Something as simple as a kiss spoke a thousand words.

Draco made a lot of mistakes, but he was mine. It would be hard to imagine ever shutting him out. It would destroy me just as much as it would destroy him.

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