Chapter Five

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"Melanie, your leg, you can walk on it again."

"That's not the point. Something happened to me. I have to get away from this water."

"Why? What's wrong?"

"Nothing. Just leave me alone." she said as she jumped off of the waterfall and ran away. I looked at her and realized her wings were gone. The three of us flew after her, but she was so fast we couldn't catch up to her. We flew in the direction where she went. There was a massive waterfall, much bigger than the one we saw by Cypress' house. We saw her standing on one of the rocks. She dived in. We ran up to the waterfall, but we couldn't see her. Cypress, Taven, and I jumped in. We swam to the bottom and back up.

"Where is she?" I asked. "We looked all over the bottom of the floor."

"I don't know, but we need to find her."

We got out of the water and dried ourselves off. We then went to the top of the waterfall. She was sitting on top of it. Once she saw us, she dived into the water and went down the waterfall. We ran down to the bottom, but by the time we got there, she was out of the water and sitting on another one of the rocks. She turned around and looked at us. I could tell something was bothering her. I walked over to her and put my hand on her shoulder.

"Mel? Can you please tell me what's bothering you?"

"I can't show you right now. I can't let Cypress and that other guy see me."

"Alright, give me one second." I went over to the guys and asked them if they could go back to the house and we will meet them there. They said okay and flew back in the direction of the house.

"They are gone. Now can you show me?"

She walked over toward the waterfall and jumped in. When she came above the surface, She told me to come over there. I walked slowly over there. I peeked over the rocks and saw she had a tail.

"You're a mermaid!" I yelled.

"Would you be quiet? Somebody will hear you."

Just then I heard a rustle coming from the bushes. Melanie quickly got out of the water and grabbed my hand. She ran and ran faster than ever before.

Melanie's Point of View

I grabbed his hand and ran back in the direction the guys went. When we got to the house, I pushed him through the door and shut it behind him. I locked the door so the guys wouldn't come out. I then ran off and hid behind a tree. It wasn't safe for them to be outside when the person comes.

When I saw a black shadow coming out from in the water, I assumed it was another mermaid and stopped hiding behind the tree. The man jumped out of the water and came walking my way. He grabbed me by the throat. I elbowed him in the stomach and he let go. When he came running at me, I quickly moved out of the way and let him run into the tree. When he turned around, he came running at me again. This time, I had no defense. I put my hands out in front of me when he came my way. Something made him get pushed back. I backed up and ran down the path, continuously looking behind me. The guy was still following me. I climbed on top of a tree, which tremendously grew three times the size. Everywhere I touched got bigger. I grabbed a pair of gloves out of my pocket and put them on.

I grabbed the tree and started to climb up. When I got to the top, I waited to see if the person had followed. After five minutes of waiting, he finally got to the top. I looked down off of the tree and saw a lake that was beneath. I jumped off of the tree and dived into the lake. I dived so deep that I could touch the bottom. I saw all the ocean life as they swam or crawled along the ocean floor. I picked up a tiny turtle. This turtle was not like any other turtle. It had a coral shell instead of a green or brown one. I grabbed it and carried it to the surface, noticing that it was drowning. I put it on the rocks that were nearby. I looked back up at the tree and noticed the guy was gone.

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