Chapter 4-Captured

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Chapter 4-Captured

I sat on the couch watching TV but I was not really paying attention to the program that was on. Right after my mother had left I called Kari and told her I wouldn't be able to make it today and I'd try to come over tonight or tomorrow if possible. She told me it was alright and to call her when I was free or just come over to the house. Even though she said it was alright I could hear the urgency in her voice. I couldn't help but wonder what it was she wanted to talk to me about so much.

Kayla had been watching television with me most of the day. Now she sat on couch next to me talking to a girl she'd met at school. Kayla said they had instantly bonded the first day they'd met and were best friends. She said she couldn't explain it but they just had a deep connection. My mother worried a bit about that but I insisted that it's just what happens with teenage girls sometimes.

They meet a new person and suddenly they have a new BFF. I had told my mother that at least she's found a friend and isn't moping around the house whining to go back to California anymore. After that my mother didn't mention anything else about it she was just grateful that Kayla had found something to distract herself.

I tried to sit and pay attention to the show, but between my thoughts going a mile a minute about my mother and my sister prattling on about who knows what; I couldn't concentrate. I decided to get up and go get something to eat. It was almost five and my father still wasn't home. I was hoping he would return in time so that I could rush out to find my mother and the Sheriff. I planned to find out what was going on.

I was hunting in the fridge for something edible when all the hairs on the back of my neck stood up and a sharp chill went thru me making me shiver. It was the oddest feeling that I think I've ever had. I stood up straight and looked toward the kitchen door. I almost jumped out of my skin when I saw Ayden standing there through the glass. How long had he been standing there I wondered.

I composed myself as quickly as I could and then stepped over to open the door. He slowly smiled and said "Sorry I didn't mean to startle you." I realized this was the first time I had seen him smile and it was a smile that could make a girl weak in the knees. In fact it kind of made me weak in knees.

His hair was a dark chocolate brown and his eyes matched with flecks of gold enhancing them. I could see how muscular his arms and broad shoulders were thru the navy blue t-shirt he wore. My eyes slowly moved back up to his face and I could feel my cheeks flush with embarrassment as it dawned on me that the grin currently spread across his face was in acknowledgement of the fact I was close to drooling over him.

I snapped out of it and tried to regain my composure as I said "Uh, Hi Ayden, what's up?" I could have sworn his smile grew when I said his name. Or it was just wishful thinking on my part?

"I just wanted to check on you and make sure you were doing ok."

"Yes, I'm ok, well you know, as well as one can that was being chased by wolves last night. Would you like to come in?" He nodded and stepped into the kitchen. His shoulder brushed mine as he stepped past me. The butterflies that seemed to taken up residence in my stomach around him were going crazy with that minor touch. I gestured towards the kitchen table and we both sat down.

"Thank you by the way for saving me. I was incredibly lucky that you were there. What were you doing out there at night anyway?" I had to make conversation about something so I didn't just stop and stare at him. I was very quickly starting to feel like a school girl with a crush.

"Oh nothing much, just taking a walk." He stared right back at me. I had really been hoping for a better answer. I wasn't sure what, but it seemed like a weird time to be just wandering around the woods on a walk.

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