The Reunion

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As you were making your way to the convention center your nerves were on edge. You were so anxious that your stomach started to hurt. When you finally got to the center you felt a little better but still anxious to meet Mike again. You went through security, got your wristband and proceeded to find Mike's booth to meet him. When you finally found him the line was longer than expected but you waited anyway. You finally got up to his booth and said, "Hi, how are you!" Mike said "I'm great thank you! And your name is?" Did he honestly forget what happened the night before? You became infuriated because he didn't remember you but didn't show it because you didn't want to ruin the moment for your family. "Im y/n nice to meet you." You shook his hand. Mike signed some things for you, talked to your family a little, then you were on your way. You were shocked and angry that he acted like he had never met you before but shook it off because you have to remember he IS a celebrity and meets a lot of people. You made your rounds through the convention and met some other people, Michael Cudlitz and Chandler Riggs. Your photo op with Mike wasn't for another couple of hours so you and the fam decided to get a bite to eat and walk around and look at booths people had set up. After awhile everyone was tired and decided to sit down to wait for the photo op. You decide to go ahead and take a restroom break before the photo op because it would be a shame to wait in line and have to go. You were entering the restroom when you heard a deep, raspy voice say your name. You turned your head and there was Mike, walking towards you. He was wearing his black jeans and leather jacket which was your favorite look of his. When he got to you he said, "Now where were we?" Confused by what he had just said, you felt a strong grip on your arm and Mike pulled you in to a utility closet in between the restrooms. "How romantic!" You thought to yourself sarcastically. "And what exactly are you doing? Don't you have autographs to sign and pictures to take?" You asked him in a stern tone. "Are you mad about earlier? You know I was acting like that so your parents wouldn't suspect anything." Mike asked you in a concerned voice. You rolled your eyes and said, "We shouldn't be in h-" when you were interrupted by a kiss. Mike then put his finger up to your lips and said, "Shhhh, no talking." His way of controlling you was surprising. "But I have to get ba-" You tried to say when he shook his finger no in front of your face and said, "Uh uh uh! What'd I say?" Mike then pushed you up against the wall knocking some brooms and mops over in the process, making you both laugh. "So this is where we were." Mike said kissing your neck which sent chills all over your body. You managed to say, "But won't they wonder where you went?" When you were interrupted by him saying, "Babe chillax I'm on break. But you've got to be quite for me though okay?" You were relieved he wouldn't get in trouble but you were confused as to why he wanted you to be quiet. Maybe because you were in a small closet and people would hear you? You brushed it off and focused on Mike taking his hat and leather jacket off. His biceps were about to rip the sleeves of his shirt. They looked bigger than they usually do which you liked. You ran your fingers over the muscles and saw goosebumps pop up all over his arms. He noticed you paying close attention to them and asked, "Do I look swole? Managed to lift some waits down at the hotel before coming here today." He smirked while flexing his arms. You laughed because he said 'swole.' You felt your face turn red when he mentioned the hotel because of what had happened there the night before. "Talking about my arms made you blush? Girl you must be crazy about me!" Mike said in a cocky way. Despite his age he acted like a high schooler and it made you giggle. "No, I just thought about what happened at the hotel last night." You answered him. "Oh, you mean this?" He asked while touching your sensitive spot. You flinched at the sensation of contact. You looked in to his eyes, those beautiful deep blue eyes, as he took his shirt off. He then started to take your shirt off and smirked when he saw what was on it, "This looks familiar." You looked down at your Merle shirt and smiled, remembering you wore it the night before. "You know I had to wear it to the convention, I just love it too much." You said still smiling. He smiled as well and smirked when he said, "No, you love me too much." You rolled your eyes at his comment but it was true. He continued his task by undoing your jeans and then his. He pulled you close and your skin touched his. The warmth made you feel safe. He began to put himself in you when you both heard the doorknob move. Both your heads turned and you both shuffled to put your clothes back on when you heard someone say, "Why won't the damn door open! I left it unlocked so I wouldn't have this trouble later!" You both could tell it was a worker and laughed when you remembered that Mike had locked the door. "What do we do now?" You asked. "We'll finish it later, babe." He smiled and kissed your forehead. "You've got a photo op right?" He asked, remembering what you had told him the night before. "I sure do! What pose should we do?" You smirked and grabbed his butt. He jumped and giggled, "Not that! My people would get pissed and kick you out!" "Damnit!" You yelled while snapping your fingers, "it was worth a try!" You smirked. He smiled and said, "You think of a pose, but I've got to go!" Looking at his watch. "I think the coast is clear now." You said. Mike went to look out the door and said, "It's clear! I'll leave, then you wait a couple seconds and then you can leave. I'll see you at the photo op!" He winked. He walked out the door then you did. You looked for him to say one last goodbye but couldn't find him anywhere. You brushed it off. You get to see him later. It's not goodbye yet. You walked to the table that your family was at and your mom yelled, "Where in the hell have you been?!" Your face turned red at the thought of where you had just been. "I just went to the bathroom. I thought I told you?" "You didn't but next time please do." She said calming down. You sat down and continued to wait for the photo op.
30 minutes had passed and it was finally time to get in line for the photo op. As you waited in line you were getting so anxious. Despite how many times you had seen and met Mike the thought of meeting him again gave you butterflies. It was your turn to get a picture made. You and your little sister walked up to Mike when he winked at you, "Nice to see you again." Him winking at you and remembering you made you blush. You shyly smiled and said, "You too Mike." You and your little sister then posed with Mike by giving him a side hug and kissing him on the cheek. He gave the best hugs. After the picture was made you went to walk away when Mike grabbed your wrist and said with a smirk, "See ya later girly." Your heart dropped when you remembered that you still had that job to finish but how? Or where? There was only 40 minutes left until the convention closed so how were you going to make it happen?
Mike's photo op shouldn't last too long you thought to yourself. You then asked your mom, "Can we walk around the convention just one more time before we leave?" With a sigh she nodded her head yes. You walked around until you saw that there was no longer a line for Mike's photo op. You then went to the restroom to see if Mike would be there again. You were upset when you couldn't find him anywhere. You decided to finally leave the convention. As much fun as you had you were still upset that you couldn't say bye to Mike.

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