Chapter One: Break-Up Parties

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The door to the bar swung open and I looked up from my glass of Scotch. Not because I was particularly interested to see who was walking through that door but mainly because I didn't have anything better to do. What's the first thing you do when you get dumped by your boyfriend? Exactly, call your best friend, find a bar and get wasted. What if your best friend is busy traveling around the world with her fiancé? You find a bar anyway and get wasted by yourself. Simple as that.

So far my plan was working out rather well. I was at my favourite pub in the centre of London and already three different guys had bought me drinks. None of them had dared to approach me, maybe I didn't seem like an easy fling or I was just scaring people off with my joyous aura – note the sarcasm. I let my eyes wonder back to the door which opened in just this second. Unconsciously, my hand holding the drink sank back onto the table.

The young man who had just walked into the pub was absolutely gorgeous. Not gorgeous in a 'oh he looks nice'-kind of way but hot. There was no better word for it. Ruffled brown hair, tattoos across his arms and piercing blue eyes. My eyes lingered on the stranger with an approving look and I couldn't help the smirk playing around my lips. Suddenly the young man looked up and his blue eyes met mine. He looked bitter and exhausted but when he caught my gaze he raised one eyebrow slightly.

I simply stared back, not caring that he had noticed the looks I had given him. The way he moved told me all too clearly that he was very aware of the fact that he was turning heads. There was something familiar about him that I couldn't quite put my finger on. The young stranger was still holding my gaze and a smug grin on his face. Now it was my turn to raise my eyebrows and I gave him one last look before letting my eyes deliberately drift off to a blonde man a few steps away to him. Two can play that game, Mister!

With a sigh, I turned my attention back to the nearly empty glass of Scotch in my hand and calculated roughly whether I had enough cash with me to buy another one. "I'll have what she's got" I suddenly heard a voice next to me in a strong Northern accent. I turned my head slightly but I knew who it was even before I saw the ice blue eyes. "You think you can handle a Scotch, pal?" I asked the young man next to me who just gave me another one of his smug grins. "There is always a first time." He said and looked at me intently. "Amen to that." I muttered and downed the remains of my drink.

"Actually, make that two. I think the young lady here is in desperate need of some liquor." Blue Eyes next to me added and the barkeeper nodded. I frowned at him. "Are you trying to fill me up?" I said and squinted my eyes at him. Blue Eyes chuckled. "Would that be so bad?" I shrugged. "We'll see how it turns out. Ask me again tomorrow." I replied and the grin on Blue Eyes face deepened. "I will, you can count on that!" I didn't smile but instead I sent him a searching look. Despite the smugness and sassy behaviour he was putting on display he looked weary and sad.

Blue Eyes noticed my observant look and his face hardened slightly, hiding any trace of emotion. "So what brings a lovely young lady such as yourself out here all by yourself?" he asked me playing with the glass in his hands. My eyes lingered on his fingers while I tried to come up with an answer. "I could ask you the same question, actually." I pointed out and picked up my drink as well, giving Blue Eye's a playful smile over the rim of the glass. Blue Eyes snorted but only took a sip of his Scotch.

"Alright Blue-Eyes, if you must know, I'm having a break-up party with myself." I said and tried to sound more light-heartedly than I felt. Blue Eyes shot me a look. "Dumped today, huh?" He said and pulled a face. I scoffed. "Thank you for assuming that I was the one being dumped and not the other way around!" I snapped but Blue Eyes only shrugged. "Tell me if I'm wrong." He replied and I fell silent, glaring at him. Damn, he was right.

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