Chapter 5- It all started with a kiss

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“It all started with a kiss”.

“I’m sorry what Tom?” I ask, not really listening to what he was saying. My mind was somewhere else. I was thinking about last night when Tom and I made love. I remember it all, from the words he said to the way he made me feel. I also remember waking up at 4 in the morning to find Tamara walking in with another French guy but then what else are you gonna do on a school trip when you’re single?

“It all started with a kiss. A book about us, I’m writing. It came into my head last night, I was a very nice dream actually” Tom repeats himself before taking a sip of his Frappuccino.

“Ah right, sounds good” I say as I take a gulp of my hot chocolate, hot but delicious.

“You’re not really that interested are you?” he asks.

“Sorry I was just thinking about home, just stuff that awaits to be finished when I get home” I lie. Tom picks up the newspaper and starts flicking through it. He can’t even read French, never mind understand it. “Have you seen Tamara this morning?” I ask.

“Ah Miss Black had found herself busy in the bathroom this morning”. He pauses. “Before you ask I walked in at the wrong time, the door wasn’t locked” he protested. “ And I saw her and you can guess the rest. Tammy and that boy are rather happy together”.

“Right, too much information. I was only wondering where she was, not the whole story” I say.

“Sorry darl”.

“Hey are you even in there?” I blink a few times before taking a sip of my white hot chocolate.

“Yes sorry, I was in another place” or another time. Louis chuckles before taking a sip of his hot chocolate. We were sitting in Starbucks, Louis wanted a trip here so I came along for the ride. It’s good to get of the house, to be away from Liam finally.

“As I was saying I think you need to give Liam an easier time”.

“I’m sorry what, I thought you were on my side” I say, hurt that Louis was siding with biting boy.

“I am but Liam did what he thought was right. He didn’t want you to die”.

“What if I wanted to die?” I didn’t but that’s not the point.

“Keep it down Rose, people don’t need to think you’re dead” Louis hisses. I got some looks from the couple behind us.

“Sorry” I apologise and take another sip from my drink eyeing Louis closely.  “You didn’t answer what if I wanted to die?”

“No one wants to die. Take that guy over there. He sits there every day waiting for his time to come, but he’s scared. He takes a look at that bridge outside every day and wanders whether that will be where he jumps. And he never looks at rope the same way anymore but he’s scared that’s why he doesn’t go through with it”.

“How do you know all that?” I ask, still looking at the guy in the suit Louis had pointed out. maybe the whole group are stalkers.

“Liam hasn’t told you yet has he? I might as well then. We all have powers, like vampire powers but that sounds so clique don’t you think?” I go to agree but he continues talking. “My power is mind reading. Well it gets a bit better and a bit worse. I can control it now so I’m not walking round hearing everybody’s thoughts which is good. It was horrible at the beginning, walking down the street hearing some sluts saying they wanted to do me and stuff”.

“Sounds like a drag” I say sarcastically.

 “However when I touch someone I see their past which is why I have to be careful. I can read yours but it’s harder to connect when you’re not living. So looking at this guy, Steve Malcom I can already see from his body language he’s having problems plus I’ve seen him a couple of times and once I brushed past him”. I think I’ve processed all that. Powers, Louis reads minds.

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