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We were almost late,so we said quick goodbyes to mom and scurried to the assembly ground.
The assembly ground was already packed with students chattering about their long vacation experiences.
The arena was segregated as usual with the JS1 students staying at the far end close to the classroom blocks and the SS3s stayed at the other end close to the auditorium.
I looked over to the JS1section and I saw Bola looking a little downcast and all alone,I was about to go meet her when suddenly a nice-looking short girl came along to meet her,she looked very neat with her well-ironed uniform,neatly trimmed hair and her shoes that were polished so well they seemed to be reflecting off light.
I guess she's got a new friend.

Speaking of friends.

"Kunle"A familar voice bellowed. Well..more like screamed.

That was the voice of my best friend…sorry…guys don't use the term best friend…my main guy Folarin.

"Oh my God,I've been like looking everywhere for you"He said waving his hands theatrically as if to show the places he's searched for me.

"Where have you been?"He then asked touching my chest.

"I've just came now Folarin. How you dey now?"

I studied him as I half-listened to him talk about his family's trip to London.
He hadn't changed much since I last saw him. He still had his hair cut low with sporting waves undulating over his seemingly large head(I was always envious of that..the waves not the big head). He was taller than me with a bulky frame and his lean muscles all looked like they would burst out of his shirt anytime.
It was hard to think that with that physique he was a jollof guy.
And you may ask. What is a jollof guy
A jollof guy is a guy who behaves like girl. I dont know the actual English term for such but in school that what call them.
He doesnt look like one until you see him walk or talk.
His saunter is like that of a Miss World contestant on the runway and his voice is very high-pitched like a liitle girl's.
It could be quite embarrassing to be friends with a jollof guy. I remember in JS3 when it was rumoured we were dating.
But being best friends with someone with extremly wealthy parents has it perks.
Hey dont get ot twisted I'm not friends with him because of his wealth but when I can't complain when he brings back so much goodies from his numerous overseas trips.His family even took me to Spain once.I think that was around my second year in school,I remember…

"You can bank on me like Sterling,
I'm a man and this is my city.No i ain't playing.

My reminiscence was interrupted by the rhythmic rapping of Jude AKA Hyphen,the self-proclaimed best rapper in the school.
A small crowd gathered round as he began spitting lines,talking about how awesome he was.
How egocentric coming from a guy who always finished each term next to the last position.

I was too busy walking towards the mob,castigating Jude in my mind,to notice the figure in front of me and I bumped into him.

And speaking of last.

"Too bad your eyesight isn't as sharp as that brain of yours"He snapped.

To be sincere,I didnt know whether to take that as an insult or a compliment.
I didnt reply.
He looked me in the eye and grinned.
That grin that seemed to charm all the girls in our class and the whole school,in fact.
I didnt know when I apologized.
Anyways,he was Ayinde Balogun AKA Neymar.
He was everything.
Ace athlete;He was the captain of both the football and the basketball team.
Beautifully brawny;His huge physique and his aesthetically sculpted muscles made him look like John Cena. Well…if John Cena was a little taller and had dark hair.
Charming cause cèlèbre.;He was popular and well loved among the students.
He was everything.
He was everything I was not.
Not like i cared anyway. I mean I was a champion in my own turf.
Head of the debate team. President of JETs club. Physics Olympiad medalist.
I too was a sort of celebrity.
So I didnt really want anything he had. Except one.
His girlfriend.
Anozie Davina.
My God she was divine(No pun intended)
She has the Kim Kardashian kind of body coupled with face equivalent to Alicia keys'.Also,she has this Oprah Winfrey-ish kind of warm,friendly and fun to be with.
I have been in love with her since JS2. Unfortunately,she is dating Neymar. But I can see a future with her.

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