The Unexplainable Story of Pippa Lawrence

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This story is inspired by Demonicblackcat's original story; The Quirky Tale of April Hale. If you haven't read it yet, then I highly suggest you should ^_^ 

Note; I am NOT stealing her story. My inspiration was mainly base on April Hale, who would be slightly similar to my character Pippa Lawrence in naive ways of thinking and being socially undeveloped. Please don't accuse me of copying or stealing. The title might be similar as well, but that is purely out of influence of being inspired by TQTOAH. Suggestions are open for a new title so if anyone could come up with a new one, then please feel free to tell me


My mom was too busy bringing out the newly bought clothes she had gotten me to pay attention to my ongoing persuasions to stop the plan that was on the way. I was eating my cereal as I watched her excitedly fold each clothing in perfectly stack piles. I was starting to believe that she had just given birth to another baby girl and how she was thrilled to add a new member to the family.

It was two pm and I had just woken up. Usually it would have been four or five, but somehow to my surprise I was quite early. I usually spend most of my days inside my room playing video games and eating til five to six in the morning. It was a solid routine for a teenager.

Remembering that fact alone made me anxious all over again because today marked the last day of it because starting tomorrow, I'm going to school.

"I still think this is a bad idea." I spoke the words right out of my mind.

"Oh nonsense, Pippa!" Mom exclaimed, still bringing out the newly bought clothes. "You're going to start school tomorrow and that's final."

"I haven't gone to school for 17 years. What difference does it make if I start now?" I questioned her, only giving out the most accurate reasoning in the world.

"Experience." she stated as she paused, showing me her point finger. "Honestly, Pippa. Can't you see I'm just doing this for your own good? You've been stuck in this house you're whole life, it's time to get out and experience life, you got that?"

There is that. Although the deal was that I'll only be going for a year, which is me going to senior year, I still think it would be a waste of time and money. And I honestly wouldn't mind not experiencing my so-called teenage youth'. I mean, I never really hated the idea of being an at-home-kid. Sure most of the people in the world would find it suffocating, boring, and sad, but I don't mind? In fact, I never really seen it that way. I had everything I needed. Food, TV, a fairly large bedroom, and most especially; my games.

"Why can't I experience life in college? I mean, that was the original plan, isn't it? I don't even know what happened to that. Didn't we originally decided that once I turn eighteen, I'll be sent off to college like any normal graduated kid would do?"

My mom shook her head in disapproval. "That's not good enough."

I sighed.

It wasn't like I hated high school, all right? It's not like college is any better. But come on, I think spending one more year in my normal house routine would be better than spending it in school that I practically already graduated from.

You see, I was home-school. I have been, all my life. And it's all thanks to my sickness as a child. I was very weak and was restricted to many activities and food. I never left my bed and because of this, I practically spent most of my childhood indoors.

It was bad, sure, but I never knew why I was never bothered by it. I guess I just accepted it in an very early age that that was my life. I was never curious about the outside world nor how it felt like not to be sick. Like what I said, I had everything I already needed anyway, so I never found the reason to look for anything more other than that.

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