Chapter Seven

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Jimin's POV

"Coming out of my cage and I've been doing just fine." -Mr. Brightside, The Killers

Jimin was pulled abruptly out of sleep, phone vibrating wildly on his nightstand. He reached groggily in the general direction of the stand and forced open his eyes, bloodshot from a near-sleepless night spent talking to his soulmate. Jungkook had been the one to finally suggest that they call it a night, though Jimin was now grateful for the meager amount of rest he had managed to get. Finally, he felt the smooth exterior of the device under his fingers, and, after pressing answer, pulled it up to his ear.

"What do you want?" He mumbled into the receiver, propping himself up on one elbow.

"Jimin, guess what," Namjoon's deep voice, peppered with excitement, crackled through his ears.

"I don't feel like playing games at," He paused to glance at his alarm clock, glowing faithfully upon his desk. "At, like, six. Just tell me, man."

"I got a new name." Jimin's eyes widened, too surprised to say anything for a moment. The sky behind his bedroom curtains lightened just a shade; color leached slowly into the monochrome darkness that surrounded him like an ocean of ink.

"Who is she?" He managed hoarsely, still too surprised to be enthusiastic. He sunk back into the pillows, his weight creating an imprint in their downy flesh.

"Well, uh, that's the thing," Namjoon was hesitant, now, choosing his words carefully. "It's a guy's name. Kim Seokjin."

"Wh- Really?" Jimin's mocha eyes widened; he was, obviously, unaware that Namjoon was anything but straight. Even before his feminine soulmate, he had always been interested in girls- never boys, or at least that was what Jimin had thought. "I didn't know you were-"

"-Pan, I think." Namjoon paused, as if he himself was just as surprised to hear it as Jimin was. "I don't know. I've just never... cared, you know? People are just attractive. I like people. That's about it." He sighed, seemingly more out of bliss than anything else. "I'm just so relieved. That I have a soulmate, that I got to tell you..." Jimin knew that Namjoon must be smiling ear-to-ear, dimples forming tiny black holes of happiness. "I want to meet him so bad, Jiminie!"

"Well, crap, I do too," Jimin said with a smirk, shedding his drowsiness like a second skin as he slid out of bed and onto the carpeted floor. "We could, like, double-date with each other. Dual-gayness. Anyways, we might want to meet up early," He wandered into the bathroom to check his reflection, glancing briefly at the near-empty bottle of concealer he had used just days before balancing precariously on the edge of the counter. He threw it into the trash almost absentmindedly, feeling freer than ever now that one of his friends was in the exact same situation as he.

"I think Hobi might need some more time to... adjust." Namjoon laughed on the other end of the line in assent, a low, warm rumble that just barely registered in Jimin's ears.

"Yeah. I wonder what it's gonna be like, now, with us into guys."

"Yeah," Jimin sighed, looking at his reflection in the water-pockmarked mirror. "I wonder."


Jimin: Jungkook!

Jimin: Guess what!

Jungkook: ?

Jimin: My friend, Kim Namjoon, the one who lost his soulmate, just got another name

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