Little background, you are a vampire princess set to be the next queen but it is said by your parents that you will need a king to rule the kingdom with. So they set up a battle for your hand in marriage, they invited princes from other kingdoms to fight against each other.
*knock knock knock*
"come in" i said as i stayed seated in my vanity and continued to brush me hair.
'What the fuck is point of putting a mirror here when i can even see myself' I chuckle at my own though.
"Ah...young mistress, i was sent up her by your mother to help you get dressed." Mina, my lady in waiting said and walked into the room.
" i have to get married......" I stood up and dramatically fell backwards onto my bed with both of my hands spread out.
"Well if you wanna be queen then.......ya...." Mina said in a 'duh' tone and walked into my closet.
"Now, which dress shall we pick......this one......or this one........." She said while holding two ball gowns up and weighing them back and forth.
"Whats wrong with the dress i have on?" I asked as i start levitating while still laying down.
"..........what?......" She looked at me with one eyebrow raised and observed my current dress.
" cant meet the love of your your pajamas......" She said while looking at me like i was a fool.
".....but the love of my life is in my dreams........." I looked at her and pouted.
" seriously pick one.........." She laughed sarcastically. I look at one of the ball gowns and it was black fading into purple at the end. I then looked at the other one and it was also purple but with a black skirt (is it skirt or tutu).
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"The (second or first) one......." I said with no soul what so ever. "Im going with the first." -a/n
After i put on the dress mina made me sit down in my vanity and started doing my makeup and hair. For my hair she kept it basic and just curled it, and for my makeup she did a black and grey smoky eye with a winged eyeliner and a dark reddish maroon lipstick.