Chapter 4

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~Jumin's P.O.V~

Ahh~ This is what I wanted for so long. The warmth, the sensation... It's all on me. It's all MINE.
I thought to myself as I enjoyed the sensation of the albino's soft, chapped lips on mine. His mouth was oh so warm. His tongue was neatly entwining with mine. It felt so good. But.... I needed more. More than just kissing. I need something that can fulfill my deep lustful desire.

I continued kissing the albino, roughly but passionately. He was struggling. Why is he struggling? Was I'm not good enough? I guess he needed more than just kissing to realize it. I thought to myself before taking my free hand down towards Zen's crotch. He's hard. The thought bought a smirk to my face knowing how enjoying the albino is with me. As I was stroking his hard on crotch, he shove his head away, breaking off the kiss. I got frustrated as the sensation went away. He then looks down. Im guessing to see what was happening around his private spot. "J-jumin.... Don't.... Please...", he begged me to stop. He pleaded. His voice.... It's cracking. He was struggling more and more to try and escape. But.... Unfortunately, I didn't want it to stop. I hold his arms tighter, not letting him escape.

Im in control now. I need to show him that.

"Stop struggling", I whispered in his ears. Demanding him to stop struggling. He didn't comply. I narrowed my eyes seeing how he's not obeying any of my demand. He needs to be disciplined. I smirked and began unbuckling his belt off. He seems to be struggling even more seeing that I'm invading his privacy. He pleaded more and more, wanting me stop. As I unzip his pants, his energy seems to be fading away and lastly he stops. He wasn't struggling. Has he given up? The thought of that brought my corner lips to rise up. "Have you lea-", I pause hearing him sobbing. I stop and loosen a bit of my grip. "Zen?.. ".

As he brings his head up slowly, I could see the tears that was forming on the corner of his eyes. He's.... Crying? He looks at me in the eyes. "Jumin.... Please, I don't want to do this. I'm sorry. Please, stop", as he pleaded, he lowers his head back down. His tears form more until droplets fell onto his thighs.

I snapped back my senses and releases his hands from my grip. "Z-zen... ", my voice was breaking. Gosh, what have I done. I rub my sweaty forehead. I feel guilty for doing that to the albino. I look up at him. He hasnt said anything after I have released him from my grip. I can't even see his face clearly because he's staring down onto the floor, his now messy hair falls down, covering his face. Eventhough I can't see his face clearly, but I know that he is still sobbing from what he had to experience..... From me. I didnt know what to do or what to say. I froze. I look back down to the ground. Shameful of what I had done to the albino. I needed to apologize. "Zen, I-
...", as I about to open my mouth, a strong slap on my face. I was shocked. He slapped me. I thought to myself before adjusting my view to him.

He looks angry. His face was full of fury. Though his tears were still in tack on the corner of his eyes. Was he faking his tears? I thought before bringing my hand up to my pain red cheeks that has been slapped. It..... Hurts. I have never experience this type of punishment before. I, again, froze. Didnt know what to do. Didnt know how to act.

As I lost in my thoughts. As I was frozen to my words. I heard him, yelling to me. "WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING HUH!? YOU TRUST FUND MOTHER FUCKING JERK!", he was mad... No... He was furious. The tears in his eyes were still there, still growing. So he wasnt faking it. I tilted my head back down as I didnt wanted to see his face.

"Zen, I'm sorry. I-... ", as I was, again, about to apologise, he cuts me off. "SHUT UP! APOLOGY NOT ACCEPTED!". He then gets up and heads inside, mumbling his fury out. The words "I hate you" can be heard in between his mumbling. It broke me.... Hearing it.

As I watched him leave, I could feel my heart breaking. V.... My thoughts ran to my deceased friend. My chest, it was hurting. I grip onto my chest, hard. No, this wasnt what I wanted. I folded my legs up. The grip on my chest harden. It was in pain. I was in pain. I sat there for a moment or two, thinking what I should do. Surely, he hates me even more now. I grinded my teeth together. Frustrated and angry at myself. Shit. What should I do.... What should i do.... I repeated the same words over and over again until I lost all hopes. V... The thought of my mint haired friend came back into mind.

V, please..... Help me.

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