Chapter Two

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Y/n walked down the street in her every day clothing.

She was going to visit her grandmother on Baker Street, and hopefully meet the infamous Sherlock who was on her tail.

As she approached the door, she could hear yelling from inside.

She confidently knocked on the door and awaited a response from her dear grandmother.

The door flew open but it was not her grandmother she saw. A man with gray hair stormed out of the building clearly in a fit of rage.

Taking that as her cue to enter the building, Y/n entered the building.

"Grandmother!" She called.

"Y/n, I'm upstairs dear. Come up, there's someone I want you to meet." She called back.

'This is easier than I thought' Y/n said in her head, as she ascended up the stairs.

Upon arrival to the top, Y/n saw her grandmother speaking with a man with Sandy brown hair. As a man with brown hair examined a wall covered in papers.

She cleared her throat slightly, attracting the attention of the two that were talking.

"Y/n!" Mrs. Hudson said cheerily, getting up to hug her granddaughter.

"John Watson." The man she was previously talking to spoke.

"Y/n Hudson." Y/n replied.

The man who was staring at the wall turned to look at Y/n. He seemed to be scanning her, piecing together her life. But, that much is to be expected from none other than Sherlock Holmes himself.

Y/n was in the same pose she was in in the picture that was tacked to the wall. Except in that picture, she was The Street Magician.

"Pleasure to meet you Mr. Holmes." Y/n spoke in a sickeningly sweet tone.

Sherlock grasped her outstretched hand, placing a small kiss to her knuckles.

"The pleasure's all mine." He replied.

He knew.

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