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Soo yeah, I know it's been four days since I last updated. But there's two reasons why I haven't ben doing it. The first reason was because my birthday was the 21st of this month I am now 12. The second was because my mom freaks out when me,or my brother gets sick. I'm the one one gets mostly out if the family. I found out it's just a cold not my allergies. Soo I'll be fine in probably two weeks.

Yeah and with Halloween coming up I have to do alot stuff. I have costume already soo yeah. It's a surprise I'll show you all on Halloween.

Yeah I'll be updating more and more I am planning stuff out. Soo my stories will get done quicker.

Idk when I'll return to school. But I need a note mt doctor never gave me one :(

Yeah Bye have a good day!

Lauren out ~

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