Jeremy Version

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Jeremy was pissed, and worried, and terrified, yeah terrified, the great criminal Rimmy fucking Tim was fucking scared. Laugh it up. He leaned further against the concrete wall, which made it easier to pull the older man more securely into his arms. Looking down, he did his best to find any discomfort that movement may have caused, luckily he saw none.

Just the unconscious face of one of his closest friends and confidents, one of his boyfriends. His face was pale, more so than usual which again spiked another flare of worry in Jeremy's chest. The paleness of his skin made the sprinkling of freckles on his face seem darker than they actually were, almost as dark as the multitude of bruises littering his delicate flesh. They had used him, used him to the last of his energy, and he let them, he had let them. All because they held a gun to Jeremy and Gavin's heads, he could have escaped, he should have, Jeremy quickly stopped that thought short. He knew that if the roles were reversed that he would do the exact same thing.

He had no right to be upset with Michael, especially when he was in this state, he had finally gotten the red head to sleep after hours of his façade of calm and trying to push through the immense pain he must be feeling. It was terrifying honestly, Michael was the strongest of the Lads and to see him pushed so far was well... scary. Michael just let them use him then as soon as they would turn to do the same to Jeremy or Gavin he would throw a fuss, ranting, raving, insulting, taunting and thrashing till they once again turned their attention to him, no matter how drained he became he always did this even when the two begged him not to.

They had used far, far too much of Michaels energy causing his body to quickly start deteriorating, that and they never gave any of them enough time to regain much of it back. So they did what they could, they kept him as warm as their shared body heat would allow, tried to keep him as comfortable as possible and asleep. Sleep was especially important, it would help him more than sitting around and becoming emotionally exhausted, well more than he already was anyway.

Gavin sighed, pulling them both closer into his side, he too was trying to keep Michael and himself warm, to little success. Michael always tried to reassure them, saying things like, "I have a high pain tolerance, it's okay, or as long as you guys are okay". Never the less, he absolutely would fight back, Jeremy knew that, Gavin and Michael knew that, but that never stopped him from worrying or hesitating. It was his boyfriend for god's sake, he loved the angry, whiskey eyed, beautiful man, and he hoped that he always would.


Gavin snapped awake to the sound of the cell door slamming against the wall. He didn't know how long they had slept, it would have been minutes or days and they would be none the wiser seeing as they had no way to tell the time and no window to see sunlight. In fact he was almost one hundred percent sure that they were in a bunker of some kind.

A man in a pristine business suit sauntered in with two armed men behind him. Three chairs were carried in between the two of them. Gavin was hauled to his feet along with Jeremy, together they were dragged and strapped into the two chairs that were placed closest to the wall facing inward. They had a full view of the two lackeys lifting a barely conscious Michael and depositing him roughly in the other chair before he too was strapped in.

Gavin knew that the placement was no coincidence. He had a bad feeling about this. Locking his eyes on a movement by the door, he took in the man holding a rather large bucket, he was tall around the same height as the Brit maybe slightly taller. He had a lithe build and seemed frightened, he must have been new to the life, Gavin thought to himself. In his musings, he had forgotten all about the bucket until it was tipped and thrown right into Michael barely conscious face. In the back of his mind, Gavin knew that it was wrong that he had in his lifetime come to feel relief when he saw that it was only icy water. But he knew that it could have been much worse.

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