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I want to start this journal with helping "outsiders" understand fangirling. Most people think fangirling is all shipping and squealing and happiness. It's not. People die. They may not be real people to you, but they sure as hell are for us. We were there with them in the beginning and we stayed for the good and the bad. We saw their good qualities and their bad ones. And though it may not seem like it, they taught us everything we know. They were there for our good days and bad days. They taught us good qualities and helped us recognize bad ones. They helped us through. So even if you don't understand it, you don't need to. We may be weird and we may not like things normal people like. But to us, they aren't just characters. They are our friends. They are our family.

So yes, I am going to cry when a character dies. Yes, I am going to squeal and jump up and down when something good finally happens. Yes I am going to be angry when someone discredits a ship, show, movie, book, and/or character. Because I am going to do every thing in my power to make sure that no matter what anyone says, these people, my people, get the happily ever after they deserve. Because they helped me get through times when I didn't want to keep going. I didn't want to know what my ending was. Because I was damn sure it wasn't going to be happy.

I want every fan, regardless of age or ethnicity or sexuality or gender, to know that there is absolutely no reason that you should not be able to cry or squeal or yell. Be yourself. Find someone who understands and just. Let go. Squeal. Dance. Sing. Cry. Yell. Anything you want. Because it's not for them, it's for you. And I want every actor, no matter if they portrayed good or bad, to know that they helped me. They saved me. Thank you. So much. Thank you.


<<<This is just the beginning. There is more to come. I plan for so much more. Just wait and see.>>>

"The ultimate act of heroism shouldn't be death... Isn't the best revenge supposed to be a life well lived? The punk-rock way to end it would be to let them live happily ever after." -Fangirl, by Rainbow Rowell

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