Chapter four.

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Hadrian's Pov.

Days have gone past and I have never felt this happy. Where ever I have been living for those moments, I have never felt this kind of love and happiness to surround me. I have always felt like I didn't belong or like I was a burden, but now, now I feel so welcomed and loved.

I sigh happily, I can't help it. I am cared for like never before. I am loved like never before. I can finally be sure that I am not going to be abused or hated because I am a wizard and I hope that they don't care about my fame either.

The death eaters are having a meeting today just so Tom could introduce me, his queen to them. For some reason, he has taken upon calling me his queen. He has been doing this since the second day I came here.  

I am somewhat scared, what if they recognize me as Harry Potter and do something bad to me. I know that I don't look like him anymore, but I still worry that maybe my actions or something I say will give it away. I always tend to forget that they have seen me already too. My first entrance here escapes my mind more than I care to admit. For some reason, my worry and fear do not go away even though I now that there is nothing that is going to happen to me.

I know that he feels my fears and worries, he is gentler than most of the time and he is passing time with holding me in his lap, rubbing my lower back, which works perfectly and calms me down in no time at all. I do not know how he does this. 

He just sits there and rubs his hand up and down my back while holding me close to him, but I am calm in no time. He bewitched me. That is the only reason that comes to my mind. I love that he has this kind of power over my emotions. No one ever cared if I was scared or worried - I was just supposed to do everything.

I know exactly what to wear this meeting. The dark dress that I got myself a few years back while school-shopping with the Weasleys - Tom does not know about it, actually no one does - is perfectly hidden in a box in the closet, away from his eyes. He always leaves me to dress alone so I can surprise him with the dress very easily when the meeting starts. 

He does not know about my desire to wear dresses and girly clothes from time to time. I wouldn't like to wear them every day, but sometimes I feel the need to look pretty in one of those dresses. I have never told anyone, I was already a freak in the eyes of the Dursleys. The Weasleys didn't all seem so accepting of these kinds of things either.

When he is far away from the room and definitely not coming back I start to get ready. The dress is mostly made out of black lace. The front is above my knees, but the back of the dress is trailing behind me. I am lucky that I have exactly one nice pair of beautiful black heels to suit together with the dress. I actually bought them at the same time with the dress. I have no idea how I have managed to keep it under the cover.

I tie my long curly hair up into a high ponytail so that it leaves out my wolf ears and also leaving two big strands out to frame my face.  The old hair decoration that belonged to my family and that I took with me from Gringotts finds its way onto my head, the beautiful dark green gem shining brightly on the silver piece.

I feel confident in the dress, for some reason dresses have always given me more confidence, I hope that my king likes it too. With that, I place the black mask with silver decorations in front of my green eyes, look in the mirror, making sure that I look as good as humanly possible and leave the room to go to the dining room where the meeting is going to take place. 

With a flick of my wrist, the doors open and I see that everyone is already here and sitting behind the table. Their eyes and heads turn to stare at me. I can see My Lord's eyes widen a little bit before he collects himself again.

"Oh, am I late My Lord?"

He motions me to sit to his right side before adding that I am exactly on time. I can see the surprise on all of their faces. He doesn't treat his closest followers with a respect like that. I am not his follower I am his equal, of course, he treats me like that.

Their eyes speak for them, I can see that they want to know who is this guy, who is this guy who their lord treats so well, like a queen. 

I fight down the urge to smirk or smile little bit evilly at them, I am exactly that - his queen. He rises from his chair to pull mine out behind the table and then gently push it back. He is such a gentleman. He never fails to make my insides warm with the feeling of being cared about.

I can see the rage and jealousy in Bellatrix's eyes, she is ready to curse me. She is the only one, who actually might know that I was Harry before I found out the truth about the crimes towards me. She saw me glamoured as Harry when she dragged me inside when I first came here. And I can see it in her eyes that she is very jealous of my place next to her Lord.

"My Lord, Who is this young boy by your side?" Bellatrix couldn't take the silent eating anymore and had to ask the question. Her voice is laced with venom she so badly tries to hide.

She is motioned to stay quiet with a swipe of a hand. His patience is already thin. What did they do to him? Can't they really not upset him? Every time he meets with his followers he comes back, looking ready to destroy the world in anger. The rest of the breakfast everyone stays quiet in fear of upsetting their master, but I can see the curiosity in them, it wants to take the best of them, but they won't allow it, each and every one of them desiring to live. 

Finally, he puts away the cutlery and raises his eyes, looking at each and every follower who is present at the table.

"He is Hadrian, he is my soulmate and he is your Lady. You treat him like you treat me and his wish is your command like is mine."

It is seen from the face of Lord Voldemort that the topic has ended and no questions would be accepted. I have no idea what they did, but this had to be bad. 

He helps me up, even though I don't need help and leads me out of the dining room. When the doors close behind us leaving the gossiping death eaters behind, he leans in and whispers: "You look really beautiful in this dress, my queen." A blush covers my cheeks and as a thank you for the compliment I press a chaste kiss on to his lips and let him go and bury himself in paperwork waiting for him on the desk in his office.

My job for today - do what you want if it is not bad for you. So I'll just go and visit the library and stay there for the day and read till I can't anymore. It is what I have been doing so far. I love reading despite what Hermione and Ron thought.

1350 words


Edited 03.06.2018.

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