Rumor has it EXO was nominated for Hello Baby... Just imagine the stress of the Producer...
SUHO - Suho, you're supposed to buy baby food. They can't eat cash .
KRIS - Kris, why is that baby teething on your chin ?
KAI- Kai, they're under 18-- actually, they're under 8 . please stop that .
KYUNGSOO - Where's Kyungsoo ? (Producer finds him in a play pen)
CHEN - no. Chen STOP . Men cannot breast feed.
CHANYEOL- That is a child , not a stool.
BAEKHYUN - Babies cannot wear eyeliner!!
SEHUN- Sehun, that milk is for the baby. Don't drink it .
LUHAN- No, Luhan,Sehun will not share the milk because thta's not for any of you .
TAO- No, Tao, you can't undo diapers with that sword .Stop it.
LAY- Lay, that's not a baby, Put Kyungsoo down .
XIUMIN - What is this kid doing outside of the ---- oh, sorry Xiumin.