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Saeyoung POV

I am sleeping when I feel MC get out of bed and head towards the bathroom I sit up and rub my eyes.

"MC?" I grab my glasses and push them up on my nose when I wasn't wearing my glasses I couldn't see very well but I could still walk around without falling. I get up and walk over to the bathroom to see MC shaking in front of the mirror. "MC?" She turns around and looks at me she is still shaking but she says nothing. "What's wrong?" I walk over to her and she gives me a hug.

MC: "You're okay." I relax a bit from the sudden hug and wrap my arms around her. 

"Yes i'm okay but what happened are you okay?" She grips me titer and starts to cry a bit.

MC: "I had a nightmare that's all..... Y-You sacrificed yourself for me and I saw you die..... " MC stops for a moment "Saeyoung I-I don't ever want that to happen." I hug MC titer so that she could calm down.

"I'm so sorry I never knew that my words could hurt you so much."

MC: "I was so scared. Your face you looked in so much pain and I couldn't move to help you." I let go of MC and wipe her face.

"Shhh its okay, it was a dream. I'm okay and so are you." I kiss MC on the cheek and then she holds my hand.

MC: "Could you hug me tonight? Just so I don't feel alone." I smile and blush.

"I would love to." We go back to our bed MC is still pretty shaky but when we lye down and she relaxes in my arms I can tell she calmed down. It is approximately 2 am MC has fallen asleep in my arms but I haven't yet I sigh and rest my head on my pillow, The dream she had scared me a bit because I never knew that MC would be so afraid of me saying those words. MC then begins to grumble I prop my head up and see that she is making a face of fear I take my hand and touch her face. "MC, its okay. You are only dreaming I am here safe and you are here safe in my arms" I bring her closer to me. "Its okay don't be afraid" I can feel her breathing slowing. She is calming down. "There we go. Its okay i'm here." I look at her face again she was smiling this time I sigh of relief and flop my head back on the pillow. "I'm sorry for scaring you" I then take off my glasses and close my eyes to go to sleep.

---- TIME SKIP ----

I sit up in bed and look around the room it is blurry because I don't have my glasses but I can tell that MC is not here. I grab my glasses and put them on.

"Hmm she must be awake already" I get up and stretch I then look for my jacket but I couldn't find it. I figured I left it out in the living room so I get dressed and go into the living room to be greeted by Sarean. He looks at me

Saeran: "You looking for your jacket?" I nod

"Yea I can't find it" Saeran takes a sip of his coffee that he made and pointed over to the kitchen.

Saeran: "It's in there" I smile and walk by Saeran

"Thanks, Saeran" he chuckles a bit trying to hide it

Saeran: "Anytime" I walk into the kitchen and see that MC is wearing my jacket! MC turns around she had a cup of coffee in her hand just like Saeran and when she realized me she almost choked.

MC: "O-OH SAEYOUNG I UH ERM WELL......sorry? No I mean I just-" MC was super flustered her face was red and so was mine. I laugh

"It's okay you look good in my jacket." the sleeves were too long for her and the jacket itself reached to about her knees. "I am shocked you can even wear it. It's a heavy jacket" MC smiles and puts down her cup.

MC: "Yea it is a bit heavy..... But you don't mind that I am wearing it?" I walk over to MC and hug her.

"Not at all" I let her go and see that the hood was popped up over her face. "You're adorable you know that right?" I see a smile from MC. "Hey, why did you put on my jacket anyway? You know I would have just given it to you if you were cold." MC's hands grip my jacket 

MC: "well after I woke up I felt a little alone because of the dream I had last night. I didn't want to wake you up because you looked so tired so I took your jacket instead." I smile

"I understand. Thanks for caring for me MC." MC sighs and hugs me.

MC: "I honestly thought you would think I would be weird for doing this. I laugh 

"I think it would have been more odd if I stole one of your jackets! I don't even think it would fit me." MC laughs. "Imagine me in your sweater" I laugh with MC

MC: "Aww but if you did you would look so cute!" We both calm down from our laughing fit and MC looks at me. "You probably want your jacket back now huh?"

"I don't need it right now. You can keep it on!" MC let herself sink into the jacket and smiles she laughs a bit.

MC: "It smells like honey buddha chips in here" I smile back at her and rub the back of my head

"Yep, I sometimes had to stash some when I was working late." We walk out and see Saeran he was giggling to himself. "Hey whats so funny?" he shuts up imminently 

Saeran: "Oh did you see that? Damn. I just thought it was funny that MC took your jacket I woke up and thought it was you because she had the hood up." Saeran was sitting on the couch he had his arm relaxed on the armrest.

MC: "Oh yea you even said good morning Saeyoung in your very sarcastic and silly tone!" Saeran had been living with us for about 4 years now and he is very comparable with talking with us and the other members but he still does not like to bring up the mint eye or go outside very often.

Saeran: "Hey you can't blame me it was early!" I flop beside Saeran he was wearing a tank top that showed his tattoo. I could sometimes catch him looking at it a few days ago I asked if he wanted it to be covered up but he rejected he said he always wanted to remember the mint eye and the bad things he did. We ended the conversation there. I wish I knew what he meant but I need to wait until he is ready to tell me. 

"What time did you wake up?!"

Saeran: "I woke up at 4 technically but I did not get out of bed until 6" I look over at MC

MC: "I woke up at 7... I know I shouldn't have because I had a bad sleep but I couldn't fall back asleep"

Saeran: "You had a bad sleep? That's not like you at all."

MC: "Yea I had a nightmare"

Saeran: "Oh...... I........Hope you feel better?" MC laughs 

MC: "Thanks, Saeran" Saeran smiles and so do I. I am so happy that Saeran and I have a family that we both love and I hope he knows how much we love him.

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