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Its Halloween and I am wearing my old outfit..... I look at myself in the mirror and jump a little at what I see, I see a red shirt leather jacket a chocker and a spikey wristband I even got a wig so that I would look like him. I close my eyes and open them again. "Wow, I really do look like him" I put my hand on the mirror "Oh god why did I decide to do this" I was lost in thought until Saeyoung opened my door.

Saeyoung: "Saeran we are leaving no- OH MY HOLY HECK!!!" I quickly put my hands out

"No no no no no! I don't erm I mean I just wanted to see what I-" I was in a panicked state I have not worn these close for about two years now and I don't think the wig was helping.

Saeyoung: "S-Saeran?"

"Y-Yes?" Saeyoung relaxed

Saeyoung: "You almost gave me a heart attack! Why are you wearing those clothes!" I flop my hands to my side.

"I-I don't know..... I thought maybe because its Halloween and you know people get scared during Halloween then maybe it would be okay if I put them on.... I was wrong." I take off the wig and thorough it to the floor "Bad idea especially since it will only make things worse for the RFA and everything I put them through huh?" Saeyoung picked up my wig

Saeyoung: "You didn't put this on because of Halloween did you?" I sigh and shake my head. "Saeran you aren't Unknown anymore you are my brother and an Uncle."

"I just thought that if I put this on then maybe I could realize that..... but again I was wrong." I take off my shirt jacket and bracelet and replace it with a Halloween shirt that I was going to wear to the party.  I put my hand on my arm "I'm sorry I scared you."

Saeyoung: "No its alright I just did not expect you to do that. I thought you through all of this stuff away." I change my pants into jeans.

"I was going to but I just.....coulden't" I stand up straight and rub my eyes "I don't know why"  Saeyoung walks over to me and puts his hand on my shoulder.

Saeyoung: "Hey brighten up its Halloween!" I smile Halloween was my favorite time of the year.

"Okay" We walk out and I see MC she was in a T-shirt like me because of her pregnancy I then look over at Saeyoung and realized he had no costume on. "Wait, Saeyoung aren't you going to wear a costume?"

Saeyoung: "I already have mine on" He turned around and I read on his back SAEYOUNG CHOI 707 "Its a jersey MC has one on too! I even got one for you if you wanted to wear it" I look over and on the couch, there is a jersey I pick it up and it reads SAERAN CHOI 505 I smile and swap it out for the other one. "YAY! Now we have 707 606 and 505!!!" He takes grabs my hand and pulls everyone in for a hug. "Now come on let's go!"

---- TIME SKIP ----

We get to the RFA Halloween party (It was private) and Jumin was dressed as a vampire Jaehee was a wich Yoosung was a Zombie and Zen was a wolf.

Jumin: "Oh there you are. We were wondering when you would show." Zen looks over and Walks over with Jumin.

Zen: "No cat stuff right!"

Saeyoung: "No I kept my promise." Zen sighed.

Zen: "Thank god. Just thinking about it makes me want t-to" Zen sneezes "Sneeze....." Jumin shifts his eyes over to Zen

Jumin: "It is quite a shame that you can't bask in cats beauty Zen."

Zen: "Hey it's not my fault. I HAVE AN ALLERGY!!!" Zen clears his throat "Anyway I am not doing this today its Halloween so I want to have fun." MC laughs 

MC: "You always make me laugh Zen" Zen looked a little surprised 

Zen: "Oh why thank you MC. It must be a gift of mine to make lady's such as yourself smile."

"I see you haven't changed since the last party."

Zen: "Hey Saeran! How are you doing?" I shrug.

"Pretty good I am excited to be here with all of you though." Zen smiles

Jumin: "I'm glad that you are happy to be here Saeran." We follow Jumin and Zen into the middle of the room where everyone was talking. Yoosung looks over and walks over to me.

Yoosung: "Heya Saeran!"

"Hey, Yoosung. Nice costume." Yoosung looks at himself and then back at me with a hand behind his head.

Yoosung: "Thanks it is all that I could do because I am a broke college student...." He then looks at me "Are you wearing your costume or did you not want to?" I turn around and show him the back "OHHHH WOW! Did Saeyoung get that for you" I turn back and nod 

"He got one for himself and MC. We are all wearing one" Yoosung turns around and sees Saeyoungs jersey 

Yoosung: "Oh hey, you weren't kidding. That's awesome how you are all matching." I shrug 

"It was all my brother's idea" Saeyoung then creeps behind Yoosung and scares him

Yoosung: "GAHHH" he turns around "DAMN IT SAEYOUNG!!!" He starts laughing.

Saeyoung: "Sorry Yoosung you know I can't pass up an opportunity like this." I snicker and Yoosung sighs.

Yoosung: "I'm going to get you back for that." Saeyoung ruffles his hair

Saeyoung: "Alright but you know me I am the master of pranks!"


I was sitting down relaxing watching Saeyoung as he scared poor Yoosung when Jaehee walked over to me.

Jaehee: "You look lonely" I look up and smile

"No just a little tired. Being pregnant isn't easy." Jaehee sits next to me and looks at my stomach

Jaehee: "Oh wow you can see a bump!" I nod "Uhm can I?" I gesture that she can and Jaehee smiles before putting her hand on my belly. "This is amazing MC." I sigh

"I know but sleep is one thing that I wish I could have more of." Jaehee takes her hand off my stomach and thinks for a bit

Jaehee: "You know when I read somewhere that if you sing or read to your baby before you go to sleep that will help. Why don't you try that?" I rest my hands on my stomach.

"Really! I should tell Saeyoung that I know he loves to talk to our Kid(s)" Saeyoung then walks over leaving Saeran to talk to Yoosung more. I look up at Saeyoung "Hey we were just talking about you." Saeyoung looks at Jaehee and then to me.

Saeyoung: "I hope it was about good things." I laugh

"Yep Jaehee said that if we sing or read a story to our kid(s) It might help my sleep and their sleep as well" Saeyoung smiled

Saeyoung: "Well I know what I am doing tonight" He kisses my forehead and walks away to go bug Jumin and Zen. 

Jaehee: "Do you know if you are having a boy or a girl?" I shake my head

"No, but we will find out soon" Jaehee stands up

Jaehee: "Well let me be the first one to congratulate you on becoming a mother!" She smiles at me and walks away. For the rest of the party, I talk to the other members and with Saeran and Saeyoung. We had an amazing time and I can't wait to learn what our little ray of sunshine(s) will be."

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