Chapter 3

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Alpha Damian and I were together in public more often than before. People would stop and stare but never question the Alpha. Due to how often I was in his bed, I already had his scent on me so many were starting to guess I was the Luna. When I wasn't seen with Alpha Damian everyone still bowed their heads in respect for me. Some even went as far as calling me Luna. I still had five days left until Damian crowned me Luna and officially mated me. Every time Damian and I had sex he never bit me nor cummed inside me so I was more than excited for the big night.

The only people I told were my parents, who of course disapproved. They believed my true mate was still out there and that I needed to be more patient.

I on the other hand came to the conclusion that my mate was dead.

It was around nine in the morning. I usually wake up much later but I just had a bad feeling about today. Damian promised that today was a him and me day. We've never had one of those before because we were a secret. The closest thing we had to a date was when Damian order his chefs to prepare a special meal for two. His maids changed his balcony to look like a restaurant and we dined under the stars.

Today we'd have dinner at a five star restaurant which he promised that night. Damian was still asleep which was unusual because he was such a morning bird. He looked so peaceful asleep. My mate was sexy as hell.

"You know it's impolite to stare." Damian's voice scared me and in response I let out a small yelp. He laughed at my outburst.

"Good morning, Alpha." I said kissing him. He opened his eyes to reveal amazing green ones that made my heart flutter.

"Good morning, Luna." He kissed me back and started to get up with a stretch. My eyes trailed down to a different part of him. I blushed from recalling pass events. "Why are you up so early? It's not two in the afternoon yet." He teased looking at the clock on his desk.

"Oh hush," I chuckled, "must of had a good rest I guess." I said getting up, bring the blanket with me.

Alpha Damian grabbed me into his arms, "I wonder why." He said sarcastically. I hit him on the chest.

"Inappropriate." I blushed walking over to the bathroom. "Now I'm going to take a shower, care to join Alpha?" I said while batting my eyelashes and dropping the blanket. I didn't even have to turn around to know he was following me.

Once I reached the bathroom I bent over to adjust the water temperature. While I was still bent over I felt something pressed against my butt. When I felt a pair of hands on my hips I smiled to myself. "Now you know I don't like to be teased." Damian said in a low voice while rubbing his dick against my clit. I moaned in appreciation.

"What are you going to d-" before I could get the sentence out, Damian slapped my ass. "Alpha!" I moaned in response. He began to massage my bottom where he just hit. He slapped my ass again but this time he didn't stop to massage it until after 15 hard slaps. "Ah!" I exclaimed after the 15th strike. My eyes had began to water but I was dripping water and we weren't even in the shower yet.

"Have you learned you lesson yet?" He asked and when I nodded he slapped down twice more. "I'm sorry pup I didn't hear that?"

"Yes Alpha Damian, I learned my lesson." I said which earned me a soft pat to the ass.

"Good girl, now get in the shower." I listened to my Alpha and climbed into the shower. The water stung my bottom a little but I enjoyed the pain. Once Alpha Damian climbed in he pushed me against the tile wall and pressed his lips roughly to mine. He grabbed my waist and picked me up against the wall. I in return wrapped my legs around his waist. I could feel him pressing against my core. Soon he was inside me.

"Alpha!" I screamed. Damian was pounding into me so fast that I couldn't scream anymore. The only thing heard from the bathroom was our deep breathing, a soft moan or groan here and there, and our skin slapping against each other. Once I reached my climax I climbed down and Damian flipped me so my breast were pressed against the cold tile wall. He began to fuck me from behind while slapping my ass at the same time. Loving every minute of it, I arched my back as Damian pulled my hair to kiss me. He soon pulled out and cummed all over my ass. We ended up kissing under the water.

I was wearing one of Damian's shirts and he only had shorts on. We were watching some movie as he lazily dragged his fingers across my back and I on his chest. In that moment we looked like the perfect couple.

Then the phone rang.

Derek, one of our best fighters, was on the other line. He was so urgent I could hear him through the phone. "ALPHA, WE NEED YOU THE ROGUES ARE ATTACKING!" He basically screamed into the phone. My stomach instantly dropped in fear.

"I'm right there." Alpha Damian said in a serious tone. He hung up and looked at me in worry at my scared expression. He soon took my hands "I promise to protect you and our people." He said in a loving tone.

I grabbed onto him needing his warmth to calm my nerves. "Be safe." I whispered before letting him go with a kiss.

And he was out the door.

I went to the window just in time to see him change into a grand grey wolf. 'I love you' I said through mind link. He looked towards the window then howled at the sky.

Before I knew it he was gone.

I've been pacing Alpha Damian's room for two whole hours. You see Luna's are suppose to care for the people and not fight in wars. I respectfully did just that because I knew it would kill Damian if I were to get hurt during combat.

Tears were streaming down my eyes. I eventually opt to sitting on the bed waiting for my Alpha.

An hour and a half later the door slammed open. I quickly stood in fear but when I saw it was Damian I let out a relief filled sob. I quickly ran into his arms.

"No one was hurt. We have one in holding." He quickly gave me an overview. Once I was calmer he continued. " there wasn't that many so they were easily took down."

"Good, what are you going to do with the prisoner?" I asked once I could speak clearly.

"Interrogation. As Luna, I'd like for you to join me." I smiled in excitement. This was a huge step. Everyone would now know I was the upcoming Luna.

Once Alpha Damian and I were changed, together we went down to the prison. I felt overwhelmed by all the overly grown wolves down there. Two guards were standing at the end of the hall. The biggest cell was there and I'm guessing that's were the prisoner was.

Once we got there, the prisoner wasn't what I expected. At all.

A curvy women with long blonde hair and big blue eyes was in a corner inside the cell. You could see the tears coming from her eyes. She had big plump breast and from what I could see, a round bottom too. She was beautiful. Looking over at Damian, who had let go of my hand, my stomach dropped.

His eyes were pitch black and his jaw was dropped. What scared me the most was the word that came out his mouth.


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