Chapter 3

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It has been two weeks since Lacey and Jay finally admitted their feelings to each other and Lacey was floating on cloud 9. Only their group of friends knew they were dating and Lacey was sure all of Chicago heard Gabby scream when Lacey had told her they had slept together, it was clear all of 51 had heard her. Will had literally bribed Jay with black hawk tickets and that's how he found out. James was still harassing her but it was nothing too bad.

The work week she had was exhausting, something with the weather changing and there being a full moon had the ED slammed with all kinds of trauma. Combine that with a nurse who quit made the week into nightmare. She slept at the hospital more times this week than she slept at her own place.

She stood under the spray of the shower letting the hot water soothe her achy muscles and wake her up a bit. Today was Platt and Mouches wedding and The couple had promised their friends they would be there. A knock at the door interrupted her peaceful shower

"You cant hide in there forever" Jay yelled from the other side of the bathroom door.

"I'm not hiding, be out in a minute" she replied shutting off the water and stepping out of the tub.

Jay was sitting on the bed waiting for her when she emerged from the bathroom with a towel wrapped around her body. She walked to him stepping between his legs. She would never get used to the sight of him. He was perfect and he was all hers. She placed her palm on his cheek feeling his scruff underneath her fingertips as her thumb traced across his lips.

"Are you okay?" Jay placed his hand on the soft flesh of her thigh as he stared up at a her.

"I'm fine, just tired" jay nodded and rubbed his thumb over the skin of her thigh.

"I know. I promise we won't stay long but platt will literally make my life hell if we don't make an appearance" Jay chuckled and Lacey nodded with a giggle knowing he was right.

Platt and mouches wedding was beautiful and Jay was right, she was happy she went. Happy to witness the marriage of two of her good friends.

Jay was at the bar hanging out with Will and Adam while Lacey sat at a table top with Gabby and Stella. The three were laughing about a funny story Stella had just told when Slyvie Brett came over with another Blonde in tow.

"Hey guys! I wanted to introduce you to my best friend from back home, Hope. She's visiting Chicago for a couple of days" Brett beamed as the three other girls introduced themselves to Hope.

"Whose the guy at the bar? The one in the white shirt? I would love to take him home" hope had laughed but the entire table went quiet and the other three girls looked at Lacey.

Lacey sipped her drink before replying "that would be Jay.... my boyfriend"

"Oh my bad, I wasn't expecting that. I mean no offense but he's gorgeous and I mean you're pretty and all but"

"HOPE!" Slyvie yelled stopping the girl from saying anything else. "Lacey, I'm sorry. She's drunk she definitely didn't mean anything by it" she waved Brett off raising her glass and chugging it down and ordering another. The liquid burnt her throat but gave her courage.

She got up leaving the girls and making her way over to Jay. She was going to make that Hope girl eat her own words.

"Hey handsome" she purred softly in his ear and gently nipping at it. Jay jumped as Lacey had taken him by surprise. He turned his chair placing both hands on her waist. "Hi gorgeous, having fun?"

"Sylvies friend said she wanted to take you to bed so I'm here to make her jealous" she told him. Jays hands snaked around to your back pulling you closer "really? What did you tell her?"

"I told her you were mine" she stated as she grabbed hold of Jays shirt and smashed her mouth onto his. Her actions taking him by surprise as he pulled back, looking at her. "Easy babe, what has gotten into you?"

"You don't want to kiss me?" Lacey sounded crushed and Jay rushed to reassure her. "Of course I want to kiss you, I always want to kiss you but maybe now is not the right time" he answered watching her expression "your right, sorry" she rushed off into the ladies room fighting back tears. The alcohol making her highly emotional.

"Sweetie, what's wrong?" Gabby asked her friend. She followed when she noticed her make a quick exit to the bathroom. "Jay doesn't want to kiss me" she cried as she threw her arms around her friend and Gabby had to hold back her chuckle. "You are being silly, don't let what that hope chick said get in your head. You are gorgeous and everyone can see it, why don't you have Jay take you home. You've had a long week" gabby rubbed her back and led her friend over to Jay.

"Lacey, what's wrong?" Jay was quick to ask when he saw the tear tracks on his girlfriends face. "Jay, you should take her home. She's tired" Gabby handed her over to Jay who threw a protective arm over her shoulders and then shot him a knowing look. Jay placed his jacket over Lacey's shoulders and led her out the door, waving by to their friends in the process.

The drive back to Jay's apartment was quiet, she just stared out the window and Jay assuming she was just tired, settled for holding her hand. He placed his key in the lock and Lacey made a beeline for the bathroom, more than ready to take her dress off and get the makeup off her face. She raided Jays closet, pulling one of his long sleeved shirts off its hanger and pulling it over her head. Jay was grabbing a beer out of the fridge and cracking it open when she made her way over to the kitchen. He had taken off his suit coat and draped it over the chair and loosened up his tie and he still looked damn good. Lacey's presence in the kitchen made Jay turn to look at her and he would never understand how someone could be so beautiful. The black dress she was wearing was replaced by one of Jays shirts that hung loose on her petite body, but fell just underneath her butt, showing off the skin off her legs that he knew for a fact were as soft as they looked. Her hair that was curled and pinned perfectly on top of her head now tumbled down in loose waves past her shoulders and her face was wiped clean of all makeup. She hoisted herself up on the counter and just stared off into space. It was quiet between the two of them but it wasn't a awkward quiet it was a comfortable quiet.

"I'm sorry if I ruined your night" she spoke softly, catching Jays attention. He walked over and stood between her thighs placing a hand on her hip. "You didn't"

"Want to tell me what happened that made you not act like yourself?" He asked. Choosing his words carefully so he didn't offend her. She sighed and looked down "sylvies friend mentioned something that made me feel like i wasn't good enough for you" she admitted feeling stupid now that she said the words out loud.

Jay gently grabbed her chin forcing her to look at him. "Not good enough? Lacey, you are everything" he grabbed her face pulled her into a kiss. He pulled away from her and walked over to the speaker that was placed on one of the counters and turned it on, switching through the stations until he found one that was playing a slow song.

"What are you doing?" She asked him as he made his way back over to her. "There was one thing I didn't get to do at the wedding" he told her "what's that?" He extended his hand out to her "dance with the most beautiful girl I've ever seen" she couldn't help but blush and she placed her hand in his as he helped her off the counter. Her arms wound there way around his neck while his wrapped around her waist, pulling her closer to him as the two of them moved to the music. "You take my breath away every time I see you" her heart literally melted at his words and she stood up on her tip toes to kiss him before moving her hand down to rest on his chest and wrapping the other around his torso as she rested her head in the space under his chin. One of his hands had left her waist and moved to hold her hand that was rested on his chest. He kissed the top of her head as they continued to dance in his kitchen. This is one of the moments Lacey never wanted to end. She felt so safe, so content and so happy just being with him and she wondered how she ever wasted so much of her time with James. She never knew a relationship could feel like this.

So here is chapter three. I really enjoyed writing this one and I hope you guys enjoyed reading it. Let me know whatcha think!! 💗💗

Also you May notice I changed Riley's name to Lacey as I just couldn't bring myself to like the name Riley so bare with me

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