Chapter 6

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She could hear the faint beeping and hushed voices in the background but her eyes remained closed, she felt like she was struggling to remain conscious as the darkness tried to pull her back under. The beeping started getting faster,  matching the rate of her heart as she began to panic.

"Lacey, can you hear me?" She heard his smooth voice. Jay, Jay was here with her. She tried to nod her head or move but her body felt numb. Why couldn't she move? What did they do to her. "The freezing hasn't worn off yet, so everything's probably still numb" Will was here too.

"Lacey it's Will, can you open your eyes for me?" She heard him ask her but her eyelids still felt so heavy, the panic began to set in again causing the machines to start their beeping "what's going on with her why isn't she waking up?" He asked his brother the concern showing through on his features. "She's having trouble coming out of the anesthesia" Will stated injecting something into her IV "this will help her come out but it might make her sick" he stated

"Lacey, babe I'm here" he cooed to her and she felt the warmth of his hands envelope hers. She let the sound of his voice softly coach her through the panic and the fogginess and she slowly felt the weight being lifted off her body. Though her eye lids were still heavy she was able to force them open. She blinked them a couple times trying to clear the fogginess and let her eyes focus on the man who stood beside her.

"Jay" she managed to croak out. "I'm here princess" he brought his hand up to softly caress her face. She wanted to lean into her touch but her stomach suddenly lurched and she ripped her head from his tender touch. Jay was quick to react grabbing the bed pan just in time as she vomited. With soft touches he gathered her hair away from her face. She wanted to push him so he wouldn't see her like this but she didn't have the strength. The nurse came and grabbed the bed pan as jay helped her lay back down.

"It's just the anesthetic wearing off, your gonna be fine" Will spoke noticing the panicked expression on her face. "How's Ella?" She asked softly settling back in the pillows. "She's in recovery, surgery went great" Will Smiled and all Lacey could do was nod.

"You should get some rest, once the freezing wears off is going to be when you feel the full force of the pain, I will send the nurse in to help you shift on your side so you can feel some relief, if you need anything just call Okay?" Will stated explaining to both of them. Jay thanked his brother and Will exited to check in on his other patients

"Are you okay, can I get you anything?" Jay asked softly as he gently brushed her hair away from her face. "Can you get me some water?" He nodded and reached for the cup Lacey reached to grab it and instantly recoiled from the pain "no don't try to move just lie still" he waited until she was settled back down before bringing the cup to her mouth and letting her suck the water from the straw.


The first few days were agony, she couldn't move without pain shooting through out her body. She spent most of her days sleeping and when she wasn't sleeping she was wishing she could go back to sleep to get some relief for a while. True to his word, Jay stayed with her the few days in the hospital even going as far as sleeping there with her even though she told him countless times he didn't have too. Her mom had tried to come in and talk to her a couple times but she pretended she was asleep, she couldn't deal with that right now. Ella was currently doing great, her stats were approving everyday, she was allowed to go him in a few days and it wasn't until Lacey's last night in the hospital when she had sent Jay to her apartment to get her some clean clothes and things that her mother decided to come into her room and try to have a heart to heart.

"Lacey? I really think we should talk" the blonde haired woman shut the door behind her. "Can we not do this now I'm really not feeling well tonight" it wasn't exactly a lie she really wasn't feeling all that great. "No we need to do this now, i want to thank you for what you did" Lacey held up her hand to stop her "i didn't do this for you, i did it for Ella because no matter how much i don't like you she is still my sister no matter what you decide to tell her. She deserves to live to see the beauty in this world I'm just glad you loved one daughter enough to stick around" her mother stared at her "Lacey, can you at least let me defend myself?" "No you don't get to defend yourself, I spent the last 18 years wondering what I did wrong, wondering why you left me" Lacey's heart rate spiked she just wanted this woman out of here and wishing Jay would hurry the hell up.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2017 ⏰

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