Chapter three- Get Along Buddies!

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We all sat down in the living room, talking about what I have been doing all these years, of course I didn't answer with the truth, or they would hate me more without letting me explain.

"I have the best idea ever!!" Edd lightly bursted

We all look at Edd wondering what on Earth could be so exiting to turn purple. Me and Tom could see that Matt also catched onto the plan aswell

"Well what is it?!" Tom asked timidly as I stayed quiet.

All of a sudden we were in Tom's room, we were locked in...

"Great, just great..." Tom Growled

"I guess I'm staying the night then, huh?.." That was the fist thing I said in ages.

"Unfortunetly" Tom added.

A few moments passed as it was all silent. I was snooping around his room as he kept an eye on me, I saw a oujiu board...

"Why..., why do you have this"

"I try to connect with my mo-- why do you want to know, commie" he replyed.

"Just courious..."

"Whatever" That finale word ended the convosation.

Little did we know but Edd and Matt were outside of the room this whole time waiting for something cute to happen, but life isnt an anime. Tom had one or two bottles of beer, but the percentage was low, lucky enough for me.
I looked to my phone to find a message from paul; 'Tord, please cone back..., not only to the base but to your home, love paul.' My father, he's...not the best at this stuff, its obviously patryk then. Tom looked over at the text message.

"Who's that, commie?" He asked me

"Oh, nobody importent..., just a collage friend" I lied

"Oh, cool" Tom responded

I slowly dozed off on his bedroon floor, I couldn't help it, I've not slepped in weeks...
The next thing I knew, I was out cold.

Tom's PoV ( point of view)

I couldn't help but laugh at him falling asleep like that, its cute-- i mean...its idiotic...
I put Tord on my bed, and I slept on the floor to make things less awkward when he wakes up.
I heard his phone go off, it was another text from what he claimed a collage friend, it was talking about a 'red army', probably a new video game...
I turned the light off and slept next to the bed.
Heh I bet Edd and Matt were disapointed.

( another chapter done! Yay!~ i did this while playing and eddsworld roleplay so, im sorry if its not the best! Next chapter is now being started, thanks, and BAIII! Also...i lied, this is small, isnt it? 😂)

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