Chapter 5- Matts mirror p.2

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( my friend Emmme-rae and my othrr friend selina says haiii!- ps Emme Raes now bragging about herself. Lol, anyway!! Tord just stepped through the mirror and he has smelt the aroma of purfume)

Tords pov

I coughed from the smell of sweet hairspray and purfume

"Agh, w-where am I?" I groaned to myself while getting up and brushing the dust off of me.

"Uh, hi? ...Tori, do you know who this is, he looks like you" a famillar yet higher in pitch voice spoke to the other feminine figure to the other side

"No, but you're not wrong, we do look the same" The other figure said as I brushed the dust off of my blood red hoodie

"Oh..uhm...hi.." I said with an awkward smile.. "do you mind telling me where I am...?" I added

"Uh? London?.. "The mystry person 1 spoke. I looked up to find a person that looked almost exactly like me and Edd...but...girls?

"...oh..uhm, sorry...have I met you before?"

"I don't think so..." The lady in the red hoodie responded

"You guys look so fam-- wait!"

Tom's pov -w-

I heard a thud so I ran downstairs to if Tord was okay...
He wasn't there...but Matt's mirror was, I was gonna shout for Matt to come get his mirror but then a thought hit me around the back of the head; Tord's in there..
It was a god damn magic mirror after all! I inhaled and exhaled, I stood back, took a run up, and jumped in.

OOF! That hurt!

I looked up.., just as I suspected, Tord WAS here!

"Tom?!" The green hooded girl walked up to me and Tord did the same. Ell looked at me, then Tord, Then the red hooded girl...

"OHHH! I get it!" Ell randomly came to realisation "Tori, this is your male counterpart...uhh...whats your name?"

"Tord..?" Tord replied as someone else came in, it was Tamara

"Oh..uh hey, Tom, and the other dude...?" Tamara said while sipping on her beer

"Tom! What's going on?!~' Tord said with a rather confused look on his face

"Eh..., oh...right.., hi Tamara..." I got up with everyone looking at me

"I HEAR BOYS!!!!" A voice screeched down the hallway as it ended up revealing the one and only Matilda.. "oh, hi Tom and another guy..?"

Tord still looked confused, it looked kinda cute, I have to admit.

"Tord, you were in Norway when we went on what Edd would call an 'Edd-venture', and we found a mirror that leads us to another world where we are females.." I cleared up

"Oh..., well considering how crazy our lives are, I'll just go along with it either way.." Tord said, sounding more comfortable


Tords pov

I was still slightly confused, and I'm sure Tom drugged me or sonething, but this is still pretty cool.

"So...Tori..." I walked to her looking like I'm planning something


"What are your honest thoughts about giant robots?" I questioned

"They are the most amazing, and coolest things to ever happen to this dull, sad world..."

"I KNOW RIGHT!" I acted like a fan girl as Tom and Tamara watched, while drinking their smirnoff

"Are you done fan girling at Justin Bebier yet?" Tom snickered as I looked at him half lidded. I sighed and then Ell started to talk

"So..., how are Edd and Matt doing, Tom?...And Tord.."

"Eh, they're good. We were just looking for this mirror untill Tord here desided to jump in it" Tom replied

"Hey! I didn't know that it would lead me to another dimension where we are girls! Oh and by the way I fell!" I quickly snapped back, growling at Tom

"Whatever commie"

Tori looked at me

"He calls you a commie too?" She sighed.

"Unfortunetly..." slipped through my lips

"Yeah, Tammy calls me it to, so I say Jehovas witness, it annoys the crap outta her!"

"I do that with Tom. ...Ohhh, we so gonna get along now!"

"Whatever, Tori just looks hot" Tom hiccuped

"Y-ya'know hitting on Tori means hitting on me, right?" I blushed dark red

"Yeah, I know!" Tom stated

"Anyway..., let's get my mirror fixed!" Matilda smiled joyfully "oh and how is Matt doing?"

"Eh, narcissistic as ever.." Tom replied

Toms pov

I couldn't get over the fact that Tori was so cute like Tord! Wait. I just called Tord cute. HOLY SOCK PUPPET IN A SAUSAGE FACTORY, DO I LIKE HIM!? my face heated up as I thought about this, then a voice snapped me out of my trance.

"Tom?..uh, are you okay?..TOMMMM!" The small commie whined loudly

"GAH! Y-YEP, I-I'M FINEEE!" I jumped, my face looking red as a tomato

"Are you sure your face is kind of well really red..?" He answered back


Ell back with some Super Glue in her hand. I grab the glue that she offered me and started to pick up the Fragments of the shattered pieces of glass, along with Tord

"You think that we could all go hang out soon again?" Tamara asked

"Of course" I aknowledged happily

"It'll give us a chance to get to know Tord aswell!" Matilda smiled at him

About an hour later the mirror was fixed, it was as good as new! I thought to myself that every time we've come through the mirror it's always

-la time skip brought to u by yaoi♡-

"I don't wanna go back through that mirror! I fell on my face getting here!" Tord started

"Ugh, such a baby" I muttered "well, cya soon girls!" And with that I pucked Tord up bridal sty, while blushing slightly at the thought, and jumped into the mirror.

When we were back to our home sweet hone, Tords face went a rather light shade of pink. It was cute, I couldn't deny it. I put him down once we landed on the wooden floor, and once we got up Edd and Matt had rushed down the stairs.

"Guys! Where were you, are you okay!" The motherly Edd ran down with worry.

"My mirror! My beatiful baby!" Matt hugged the magic portal what was the mirror.

"We're fine Edd" Tord replied while dusting himself off, and his accent getting thicker. I couldn't help to admire it...

((Yay! 1076 words! Check my highschool book too! Its TomTord too!))

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