The Goddess and the gifts from home

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Bell Cranel-POV

After my encouter with the Sword Princess in the dungoen. I was jogging through the streets of Orario and making my way to the Guild. I was inside the Guild I was seaching for my adviser Eina Tulle and when I found her. I approached with a smile.

"Bell! Welcome back." She waved at me

"Thanks Eina" I greeted her

"So did get enough magic stones in the dungoen to turn in?"

"Yep." Taking out the stones in my pouch

"Is that a Minotuar magic stone?" She asked in suprised as she saw the larger stone.

"Ye', I ran into Aiz Wallenstien and it turns that she and her party are returning from an expidition which scared of the Monster I killed." I explained to her.

"Well its a good thing you there and someone would have died. But still even if your a level 5 adventurer. You've only been here for 2 weeks and your Highlander which you are less experience and remember adventurers shouldn't go on adventures." She said acting like a mother.

"(Sigh) what ever you say...... mom" I gave her a smug

She started blushing and bursted out "I'm only 19! You dolt!"

"Ok calm down already and I want to exchange the stones please."

She started to calm down. We both went to where I can trade my stones including the Minotuar stone. The amount of valis I got was more than enough and I thank the Loki familia.

"Well see you tomorrow." As I leave the Guild

"Goodbye Bell."

After I left the Guild. I went to the poor district of the city and then I arrived at the Hestia familia household. Its used to be an abandoned church with a secret door that leads to a basement. But now, its rennovated into a actual familia household with the symbol above the door way was a hearth surrounded by a group of people which are holding hands. My Goddess and I decided to call it "Hearth Mansion".

I entered the the household and greeted my Goddess.


"Bell your back!" I yelled and tackled him.

"Ooff! Its good to you too Lady Hestia." He said and ruffled my hair

"So how was the dungoen?" I said as I smiled brightly

"Well, I did get quite a haul not enough though but it should do for now." He said while grinning and showed me his pouch of valis.

"Wow, looks fortune favors you the most Bell!" I said excitedly

"What can I say its gonna take more than just monsters to take me down." He said confidently.

"I was worried by the way." I said in sad tone.

"About wot'?" Bell said worriedly

"That you might leave me despite all of this." I said gesturing the new household.

"Don't worry, I won't leave besides if my uncle hadn't took me in along with my step-grandfather none of this ever happened." He said comforting me.

"You really mean that?"

"Of course and I'm willing to make this familia strong like the Zeus, Loki and Freya familias." Bell said and gave me a thumbs up.

"Thank you Bell." I said and hugged him

"Your welcome." He said and hugged me back

"Oh by the way, there is a package for you from your country and it comes with a letter."

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