Chapter 1: New kids

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Chapter 1: New kids

Blessington is as normal a town as most. With one big difference, it has some of the best technology in all the world. This town is home to some of the smartest people alive. Every one form scientist to computer programmers wanted to live in Blessington. Everyone except for the Neitman kids. Mekyle 17, Angelique 16, Xander 15, and Ruthie 14 did not want to move here they were happy in their old town of Angel Grove, all their friends were there, but when their parents Willy and Reita got offered high paying Nursing jobs a Blessington general hospital they took it. This is where our adventure begins its move-in day at the Neitman house.

"Hey, Mom where do you want this box?" Xander asks holding up a box. His mom pokes her head out of the U-Haul truck. "That one needs to go to your dad's new man cave it's the gaming systems." she replays. Xander nods and walks inside. In the House Angelique and Ruthie are fighting over who gets what room and Mekyle are texting his Girl Friend back in Angel Grove.

"You know guys there are still boxes outside," Reita says walking in the front door. Mekyle quickly slides his phone into his pocket and bolts out the door.

"Mom will you tell her the pink room is mine," Ruthie says.

"No way it's mine." Angelique snaps. Reita sighs and looks at the two girls.

"Where is your dad?" Reita asks.

"Outback with sensei Jason and sensei Tommy," Xander says coming up from the basement.

"Mom what about the room?" Angelique asks.

"Ruthie she is right the Pink room is hers your father and I thought you would like the green room its right next to us." Reita answers. Just then Willy walked inform the back yard.

"The boys are gone?" Reita asks.

"Ya there watch alarms went off and they said the head to go." Willy Replays.

"ever notice they do that a lot?" Ruthie asks. everyone nods yes and shrugs it off.

a few minutes there is a knock at the door. "I got it," Angelique says running down the steers. Angelique opens the door and is greeted by a young lady the head to be about 16 also. she had short brown hair and was wearing a spaghetti string yellow tank top, blue jeans, and white sticks. "Hi there I am Izzy." the girl says.

"Hey, I am Angelique." Angelique replays.

"I leave a crossed the street and saw you guys were moving in so I thought hey let's go say hi," Izzy says. Angelique steps out of the doorway letting Izzy walk inside. "So how you liking Blessington?" Izzy asks.

"It's so boring so far," Angelique says.

"Hey who was at the door?" Mekyle says walking in. Izzy's eyes go huge and she gets all flushed in the face.

"Hey, big bro this is Izzy," Angelique says.

"sup." Mekyle replays throwing up a peace sign. Izzy just nods slowly. Xander and Ruthie come running down the steers. "I am going to so kill you!" Ruthie snaps at her brother.

"back off crazy lady it's my iPad!" Xander shouts.

"I don't care I was talking to my crush," Ruthie says.

"You know he is totally gay right." Xander replays.

"will you two knock it off!" Angelique snaps.

"come on you guys we got a guest," Mekyle says pointing at Izzy. Izzy slowly waves at the other two kids still staring at Mekyle. Angelique waves her hand in Izzy's face. "Hey you ok?" she asks.

"what oh ya just fine. So you want to go?" Izzy asks.

"Go where?" Angelique asks.

"To the Cyber Museum. like I side." Izzy replies.

"umm ya, you did not ask that." Mekyle chuckles.

"Oh, I guess I did not," Izzy replies shyly.

"Mekyle can take us in his car," Xander says.

The five teens walk outside to where a black s.u.v is parked a little green pick up and a fire red 67 impala. "Ok, now that is some sweet wheels," Izzy says.

"He picked it out because of Dean Winchester," Ruthie says with a giggle.

"Hey Supernatural is cool!" Mekyle snaps getting in the driver seat.

"Yes yes, it is," Izzy replies. the four other teens get in the car. Angelique made Izzy seat up front.

"so were to?" Mekyle asks starting the car.

"It's just past the main street," Izzy says. Mekyle nods and pulls out onto the street.

"I have a filling this is going to be an interesting day," Ruthie says as they head down the road.

thirty minutes later the kids are walking into the huge building known as the Cyber Museum. "Welcome all." says a young blond haired teen boy at the front desk. He was wearing a long sleeve blue hoodie with a white undershirt. gray jeans and black snicks. "Oh my..." Angelique says looking at him.

"Hey, Justin I see Miss. Hayley still got you at the front desk." Izzy says.

"Oh Hey there Izzy who is your new group of friends?" Justin asks.

"Wall the girl in Pink is Angelique, the hotty in red is Mekyle, the young genital man in black is Xander and the sweet girl in green is Ruthie. there all siblings and just moved here today." Izzy explains.

"Hotty?" Mekyle asks a little shocked.

"Oh, I side that out loud..." Izzy says turning completely red in the face.

"Wall again welcomes to the Cybermuseum as your friend has side my name is Justin," Justin says.

"dude, what is this place?" Mekyle asks.

"a very good question. The Cyber Museum is home to all the most amazing technological advancements throw out history." Justin explains.

"Oh, great looks like Mekyle just found his new home," Xander says with a heavy sigh.

"Oh, so you're a tech junky to?" Justin asks. Mekyle nods with a huge smile. "Junky is putting it nicely the boy is obsessed with tech," Ruthie says. just then the phone on the front desk rings. Justin walks over and answers it. "Yes, mam?" Justin says. after a few seconds, Justin hanks up the phone. "so the boss lady side to let you guys have free run of the place free of charge." he tells them. They all exchange looks and then walk off there own ways throw the museum.

A fifteen minutes later in the back of the museum in the office of the curator Hayley sits at her desk looking at the security cameras with Justin standing next to her. "do you really think they are the ones?" Justin asks.

"I do the four Neitman kids were trained by Jason and Tommy," Hayley replies.

"Hold on you don't mean?" he asks. Hayley just nods her head.

"I know you worked side by side with Tommy on the Dino Thunder tech but I just don't know," Justin says.

"I trust the guys they would not tell me about these kids if they were not just what we needed," Hayley says. Justin sighs and walks out of the office. "you six will be my Power Rangers, Cyber Force." Hayley says looking at the screen.

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